“Took you long enough,” Tall Dino said, butting in on our conversation.
Luciana and I were on a hike, with Tall Dino and Short Dino keeping a watchful eye on us. We took a quick break, and as always, Tall Dino couldn’t resist indulging in our gossip.
“Don’t you have something else to do, like patrol the perimeter?” Luciana said, rolling her eyes.
Tall Dino simply reclined against a boulder, his wide grin unyielding. His laughter echoed in the valley, causing a flock of birds to take flight. Short Dino, busier and more disciplined, gave his partner an exasperated look before resuming his surveillance.
“Ignore him,” Luciana continued, waving her hand for extra effect. “What happened next?”
Oh god. I couldn’t say “and then he fingered me until I came for the first time.” Even if Tall Dino and Short Dino weren’t here, I didn’t think I’d be able to say that out loud.
“We just cuddled and then went back inside,” I said, doing my best to keep my voice even.
Luciana gave me a questioning look, but presumably didn’t push it because of the Dino’s presence.
Tall Dino however, had no problem speaking his mind. “There’s no way that’s all that happened.”
“Mind your business!” I said, pelting him with a pebble I had picked off the ground. His laughter echoed in the air, ringing loudly in my ears. I wished the ground would just swallow me whole.
“Ettore’s rubbing off on you. When we first met you couldn’t even look me in the eye,” Tall Dino said. “Now you’re assaulting me with rocks.”
“Shut up,” I grumbled.
As we continued our hike, my mind kept replaying the events of that night. Every touch, every whisper, each stolen glance, and that electrifying kiss stoked a fire inside me. The wilderness around seemed like an echo of my feelings, wild and untamed.
As we journeyed back to our parked car, the details of Ettore’s and my encounter played on an infinite loop in my mind. The wind whispered through the leaves, rustling them into a symphony that sounded like hushed secrets between lovers. Wewalked through a canopy of trees whose bark was as rough as Ettore’s stubble against my cheek. The layers of moss that clung to the tree trunks were like his soft and tender kisses on my neck.
“Blergh, I feel gross,” Luciana said as she opened the car door. “I’m covered in sweat.”
“It was a good workout,” I responded, half lost in my thoughts.
We chatted about random things on the way back to my apartment and the conversation flowed easily, as it always did between us. Luciana talked about her latest urban exploration location, her words melding together in to a comforting hum.
We pulled into the parking garage and I bid Tall Dino and Luciana my goodbyes. Short Dino accompanied me into the elevator, making sure I got into the apartment safely. Like usual, he stood there silently and did not speak.
“Uh…Goodbye,” I said awkwardly as I walked into the apartment. He just looked over my shoulder to confirm Ettore’s presence, then nodded at me before walking away.
“Think he might rival me on not speaking,” I quietly mumbled to myself.
“What was that, now?” Ettore asked, having overheard me talking to myself.
As I took in the sight of Ettore standing there, his broad shoulders leaning against the kitchen countertop with that infectious smile on his face, my heart fluttered, and I couldn’t help but remember our night on the rooftop.
“Nothing,” I responded. “Just thinking out loud.”
Ettore eyed me curiously for a moment, as if he could see right through me and into my racing thoughts. “Did you have a good time?”
I nodded. “A great time. I haven’t seen Luciana in awhile.” I replied, peeling off my sweaty jacket and hanging it on the back of the chair. “Ugh, I’m gross. I need to take a shower.”
“What a coincidence,” Ettore said, pushing away from the countertop and closing the distance between us. “I need to take a shower, too.”
His tall frame towered over me, causing an involuntary shiver to ripple down my spine. His fingers traced up my arm, the heat of his touch searing into me and reigniting the memories of our night together.
Ettore leaned down, his breath warm against my ear. “Would you mind if we saved some water?” His low voice sent a jolt of desire coursing through me, my heart pounding in my chest.
My brain was on overload. Ettore hadn’t even tried to kiss me since that night, and now he was suggesting we shower together?Naked?!