Page 35 of Pucking Only

When I was younger, I always thought it was annoying. Now, it’s infuriating.

Zander is watching me and I’m careful to keep my expression neutral.

At length, he smiles and nods, relief washing over his gaze.

“Great!” he says. “I didn’t want to cross any lines.”

“Yeah, no,” I mutter, a heavy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. “No lines crossed.”

“Then would you be okay with it if I asked Skyler out on a date?”

My heart seems to drop for a moment and I totally freeze. He wants to ask Skyler out on a date? Really?

I mean, I can understand why he’d be interested in her. She’s beautiful. Sexy. She’s funny when she wants to be. Quick witted and smart as hell. If I’m honest, Skyler and Zanderwould be good together. They have a lot of the same interests and similar personalities.

There’s no reason they shouldn’t date each other.

Yet, when I think of Zander touching her…kissing her…stripping her naked and parting her legs…

I feel nauseous.

I want to punch my locker until my knuckles bleed. Erase the thought of Zander making Skyler moan in pleasure from my mind by dousing it with physical pain to distract myself.

Zander’s watching me. He’s expecting an answer, and if I tell him no, that’ll just make me a liar. Even a big brother wouldn’t deny his sister a great guy like Zander. If I say no, then I have to admit that I’m jealous, which means I have to admit that I might feel something more for Skyler than brotherly affection.

Forcing a shrug, I tell Zander, “Yeah, man. That’s cool. Go for it.”

Zander’s smile widens and he claps me on the shoulder.

“Awesome, thanks!” he exclaims. “You’re the best. I really appreciate it. I wouldn’t feel right asking her if it bothered you.”

“Just…don’t hurt her,” I quickly add, clearing my throat when the words feel momentarily stuck. “If you did, it…it would piss off Grace and no one on the team wants her upset.”

“No, definitely not,” Zander chuckles, looking behind him to glance at where Jensen is. “I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

My lips start to hurt as I fight to maintain my smile.

“That’s big of you, dude,” I reply. “To check with me, I mean. Really respectful.”

“Mama raised me right,” he chuckles. “All right, I’ll let you get dressed. Thanks again.”

He turns and hurries away. I watch him go, struggling tomaintain my nonchalant demeanor. What I really want to do is rage. Tear the locker room apart and go after Zander to tell him that no, I didn’t want him to ask Skyler out. I wanted him to stay away from her. Just like I wanted every man in the damn world to stay away from her.

I hate this. I hate this so much, but there’s nothing I can do. The only thing I have the right to do is stand here like an idiot and smile as Zander waltzes off to go after Skyler.

My Star.

Clenching my teeth, I turn back to my locker, practically stuffing my head inside so no one can see how angry I’m getting. Not angry at Zander, because none of this is his fault. I’m angry at myself, and I’m angry at Skyler.

I’m angry because I can’t let myself acknowledge what I’m really feeling. I have to keep shoving it down and trying to pretend it’s not there, otherwise I will ruin everything. Skyler is Grace’s best friend. Skyler is like a second daughter to my parents.

I cannot want Skyler. I cannot be jealous when other men want Skyler.

But I am, because I’m a damn idiot. An absolute fool.

I actually want Skyler.

Shaking my head, I shove the unwelcome realization aside and quickly get dressed. I need to get out of here. Go home so I can clear my head and make sense of the mess of emotions rushing through me right now.