Page 8 of Pucking Only

Zander moves past me toward the shower, clapping me on the shoulder. One by one, the rest of the team filters in and out of the showers as well. I get a few more compliments for my performance during practice and a couple slaps on my shoulder. It feels good to be recognized for the hard work I’ve been putting into my game. I knew I needed to step things up after some rough losses last month that, despite my teammates’ assurances, I felt were on me.

I quickly take my own shower, grab a towel and wrap it around my waist as I make my way to my locker. Jensen is at his locker next to mine and claps me on the shoulder when I come to a stop beside him.

“Hey, good practice today,” he tells me. “I was giving you my all and you were taking it like a champ.”

I shoot him a grin. “Any loads you can dish out, I can take my friend.”

Jensen wrinkles his nose. “Gross. You are gross.”

I wink at him. “You love it.”

“I really don’t,” he insists. “Anyway, don’t forget that you’re coming over to Grace’s place for dinner tonight.”

I nod, ignoring how weird it still is to have my best friend inviting me to my own sister’s apartment. Not just my sister, mytwinsister. He’s known her less than a year. I refuse to count that week they were together in Miami, because he didn’t even know her real name then!

As for Grace and I, we’ve got that special bond that only twins have. We might not always agree or share the same interests, but we’re linked in a way that no one can break, not even Jensen. Grace and I are two halves of the same whole — which is why it’s super fucking weird that her boyfriend is inviting me to her place!

“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget,” I assure him. “I’ll be there.”

“Good,” he states. “Because if you don’t show up, Grace will have my ass.”

I chuckle at that. “Well, now I’m oddly tempted not to show…”

He punches me in the arm. “Don’t even think about it.”

“I’m kidding,” I tell him. “I’ll be there. No worries.”

It’s a little strange for us to be hanging out at Grace’s place because she’s mostly at Jensen’s at this point. I’ve paid the rent on the apartment through the year, but I’m thinking I won’t have to renew it as the two have mentioned moving in together officially sooner rather than later.

While dinner with my sister and Jensen isn’t the worst way to spend an evening. There is a part of me that’s hesitant to go, despite my assurances that I will. I can’t quite explain why. Being around them and watching them be a happy couple makes me feel…left out. Like a third wheel. On top of that, I’m filled with a strange sort of longing. If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost think I was jealous of the two of them and the happiness they've found with each other. But that can’t be right. I don’t want a relationship…I never really have.

So what reason could I possibly have to be jealous of them? It baffles me.

“See you at seven,” Jensen says, breaking me out of my spiraling thoughts. “Don’t be late.”

“I won’t be,” I say, waving my hand dismissively. “I’ll be there, seven o’clock, on the dot.”

It’s nearly seven thirty when I reach Grace’s door. My heart is hammering and the collar of my button-up feels too tight. I tug at it before taking a deep breath, raising my fist to knock. I steel myself for the ass-chewing I’m certain I’m going to get. Grace is such a stickler for being on time. I’m just the opposite, so I know exactly what’s waiting for me on the other side of this door.

At least, I thought I did.

The door opens and my sister is standing in front of me. Her blue gaze is locked on my face as I quickly start to babble my excuses.

“I’m sorry I’m late! I was playing COD, which I know is a terrible excuse, but I couldn’t just quit…”

“Hey, no worries!” Grace declares with a wide smile. “You’re here now and that’s all that matters. Come in!”

“Huh?” I mumble, completely caught off guard by her reaction, or lack thereof, to my tardiness. My type A twin has become more laid back since she’s been with Jensen, but she’d still usually give me grief for being so late. Shesteps aside to give me room to walk through the door. I hesitantly enter her apartment, eyeing her the whole way inside. Her apartment is open concept, with the kitchen area and living room area flowing into one shared space. A hallway next to the kitchen leads to the bathroom and bedroom. It’s quaint, clean, and organized to the point that I know Grace would notice if I moved one item slightly out of place.

“Hey, Monroe!” Jensen exclaims from the kitchen area. “You made it!”

Again, no lecture about being late. No annoyed glares or eye rolls. No nagging about respecting other people’s time.

What the hell is going on?

“Do you want a beer?” Grace asks, coming up to stand beside me.

I face her and grab her slim shoulders, holding her still as I examine her face. Looking into her blue eyes often makes me feel as if I’m looking at my own reflection. She has my face…except it’s softer along the jaw. Her nose is slimmer, her forehead less pronounced, and her lips plumper than mine.