She’s silent again for several moments before she releases a long sigh.
“Okay,” she murmurs. “How can I help?”
“Can I come to Denver for a few weeks?” I ask. “And can you get me in good with the Night Hawks? I want to observe them and learn as much about hockey as possible so this game is perfect.”
Despite the fact that Carson has been obsessed with hockey our whole lives, and I spent so much time with the Monroe’s growing up because of Grace, I know next to nothing about hockey. I’ve never been interested in the sport. Since things with Carson and I have always been so contentious, I had no real motivation to learn about it.
“Of course you can come to Denver!” she exclaims, her previous uncertainty seemingly forgotten. “I’ll ask Jensen totalk to the coach and get things arranged so you can shadow the team. Since he’s the team’s captain, he’ll be able to convince the coach easier than Carson would. Plus, Carson hasn’t been on the team as long. I’m sure it won’t be a problem!”
Ah, Jensen Reece. Grace’s giant, pro hockey boyfriend. I haven’t actually seen the guy since their first meeting our freshmen year when we ran into him on Spring Break in Miami. It’s funny how head over heels she is for him now, even though she spent most of her life hating hockey and had sworn off ever dating hockey players. After five months with Jensen, she’s completely changed her tune.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
My lips curl into a wide smile. “Oh, my God, Grace! That would be incredible! You have no idea how much this means to me!”
“Are you kidding? Of course I’ll help you! And if it means I get to have you in Denver for a few weeks, all the better.”
I release a long breath of relief. I knew I could count on Grace. This is exactly what I need to make the best game possible. A few weeks immersed with the Night Hawks and I’ll be able to blow Samuel and his game out of the water and secure the Senior Developer position. Once I’ve done that, all the bullshit I’ve put up with will have been worth it.
The only thing standing between me and my professional dreams coming true is one stupid hockey video game…so I’m going to make it the best hockey video game ever.
“Monroe,you need to be faster catching them in the left corner. That’s your weak side!”
I tighten my grip on my stick and give a quick nod in Coach’s general direction. I didn’t even miss that last puck, but Coach is sharp-eyed enough to spot a chink in any of his player’s armor before they even realize it’s there.
“Again!” Coach calls out to the line of players in front of me. Jensen is right in front and shoots the first puck. His hits are always powerful and accurate, which makes him a great opponent to practice against.
He pulls his stick back and whacks the puck as hard as he can. It comes soaring through the air. It is moving so fast it’s hard to track, but I block it just before it can make it past me into the net. I catch Jensen’s grin, but I don’t have time to revel in the small victory before other pucks are flying at me.
The relentless string of flying pucks becomes a blur as I push my body to its limits, launching myself from one side of the net to the other, stretching every muscle in a desperate attempt to deflect each puck. As they come faster and faster,adrenaline courses through my veins. I stay on my toes, not allowing myself a moment's rest.
"Stay focused, Monroe!" Coach yells out, his voice cutting through the loud slap of pucks against the ice. "These guys aren’t going to go easy on you just because you’re their teammate. Show them what you're made of!"
I hear Jensen laughing. It's infectious. Before long I find myself chuckling between breaths. Jensen has been my best friend since we played hockey together in college. He can be intimidating to anyone who doesn’t know him, or who is facing him down on the ice, given his size. Truthfully, he’s really one of the most considerate guys I’ve ever met. There’s only ever been one low point in our friendship. That was when he started hooking up with my sister behind my back. When I found out, I wanted to mess up his pretty boy face so badly. But, he loves Grace and he’s good to her, so I had to make my peace with it, even though…gross. A few things are different now, of course…like I call him by his first name instead of Reece. It feels more appropriate now that we’re practically family.
Still, eww.
Jensen’s next puck is fast and unpredictably angled; reacting solely on instinct, I throw myself towards it, successfully knocking it away from the net. Each successful save brings with it a momentary thrill, a quick jolt of satisfaction that fuels me to keep going.
After what feels like an eternity, Coach blows his whistle, signaling the end of practice. The tension in my muscles eases instantly. Sweat trickles down my face as my heart continues to pound.
"Good work today boys," Coach calls out over the din of collective panting and laughter. "I think we’re more than ready to take on Atlanta next week.”
The team starts to skate toward the tunnel to the locker rooms and I follow after, pulling my helmet and mask off, sucking in a deep breath. When I reach the locker room, I shed my pads and gear until I’m down to my compression shirt and pants. My dark hair is soaked in sweat and plastered to my forehead. I push it back to keep it from getting in my eyes.
“Yo, Carson! Great practice, man!”
I look up and meet Zander’s green gaze. He’s standing at his own locker, digging out his shampoo and beard oils. He’s about the only person on the team who I have to tilt my head back so I can meet his eyes.
“Hey, thanks man,” I reply.
He shoves his hands through his blonde hair. “You’re really looking good out there, man. I’m glad you’re not letting last month get you down.”
I grin and shrug. “Just in the zone, I guess.”