Page 88 of Fated Shot

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just hold him tight, alright? I don’t want him to go flying around these turns.”

It’s cute how protective Jack is. I’ve happily accepted my position as second fiddle. Those two are freaking peas in a pod, the boys, cat and giant. It’s too adorable to leave any room for annoyance over my son’s betrayal.

“How you feeling? Getting tired?” I ask, stroking Jack’s muscular arm that’s stretched out, holding the steering wheel.

“I’m bulletproof.” The corner of his mouth quirks up in a way that makes my heart melt.

He is, in fact, not bulletproof, nursing another rib injury that kept him out of the last few games of the season. He was crushed about missing the chance at second-round playoff hockey and took it pretty hard when the Tundra got eliminated.

It was a tough blow for the team, but the thought of them going all the way while Jack was stuck on injured reserve would have been even more brutal. I know he’s ready for one last run at the Cup next year, this time joining the team’s efforts, hopefully fully healed.

A small part of me thinks he liked all my doting. I haven’t left his side in weeks. I almost forgot what my apartment evenlooked like. It’s going to be so weird sleeping in separate beds again, but at least we’ll be in Wyndham together.

A shriek fills the car, startling me as Penn tries to hit the final high note of the song. Jack quickly shuts off the radio, saving us all.

Main Street comes into view in the distance, excited tingles erupting in my stomach as we continue driving ahead. It’s like I’m a kid ina candy store. I’m headed back to my favorite place with my favorite people. It really doesn’t get any better than this.

“Can we pop in to see Harold quickly?” I ask hopefully.

“Of course. We can drop off your mixer too,” Jack says as he gently laces his fingers through mine, planting a kiss on the back of my hand before resting our intertwined fingers on my thigh.

“Gross. PDA to the minimum, please.”

“Penn,” Jack grumbles under his breath as we turn right, parking in front of Cordelia’s.

I bound out, slamming the door shut behind me. As soon as the bell above the door rings out, I’m hit with the comforting smell of coffee. I run over to an unsuspecting Harold, busy making a latte behind the espresso machine. When he spots me,his smile turns bright, handing the cup over to the waiting customer and opening his arms to me.

“Missed you,” I sigh, settling into his arms. He’s such a secret softie, even if he tries his best to hide it.

“It’s wonderful to have you back, young lady.” He returns the hug before clearing his throat and turning back to the register.

“Just came to say hi and check out the space! Still okay with me starting this week?” I can’t hold back the excitement in my voice. It’s the perfect fit.

Over the past few months, business has skyrocketed, and I’ve been busier than ever. I was really worried about my lease ending at the Kitchen Collective and the thought of having to find a space in Wyndham. Harold just so happened to hear about my dilemma and offered the perfect solution for the summer! Being able to continue my momentum by baking in the place where I learned everything I know? It feels too good to be true.

“Looking forward to it.”

I smile, pushing open the kitchen door and stepping under my favorite sign. The familiar kitchen that I’d grown so used to is nowhere to be seen. The old oven that hit its prime in the early nineties has been replaced by a stainless steel double electric oven. The wooden island that I’d spent hours working at has miraculously doubled in size, giving ample prep space. New shelving adorns the walls, housing brand-new baking sheets and mixing bowls while also providing an excess of storage space. It’s Cordelia’s Kitchen 2.0, and I can’t wrap my head around what I’m seeing right now.

Sure, with the new demand from my growing customers, it would have been a tight squeeze, but I would have been able to make it work. But this? This is— “Perfect,” I whisper under my breath, still in shock.

I turn when I hear the door swing open behind me.

“Where do you want this, boss?” Jack’s deep voice calls out from behind my teal KitchenAid.

I’m still in disbelief.

“Um, anywhere is fine.” He nods, looking a little suspicious, avoiding my gaze but staying focused on his mission before resting it on the newly expanded island.

“Give me one sec. I’ll meet you outside, okay?” As he exits, Harold enters.

“What did you—” I begin before he cuts me off.

“Hey, don’t look at me, I had nothing to do with this.” My eyes widen at his words. That means? “He’s a good man, you know.”

I pull him tightly into a bear hug. “I know,” I whisper, tears pooling in my eyes.
