As Max takes the last sip of his seventh or so beer, he leans over the table.
“So, Mia, can I grab your number? I feel like we really had a connection there,” he says, a drunken grin on his dopey face.
He’s playing around but my body tenses at the thought. Jokes or not, I’m still not above laying out my D-partner.
“Care to back the fuck off? That’s my girlfriend you’re hitting on.” The words leave my mouth pretty effortlessly, and I don’t regret it for a second.
Instantly, he grins even wider, slapping Evan across the chest animatedly.
“What’d I tell you boys? I never miss with the things.” He plops back, sprawling out on the seat, his grin never waning.
Evan and Penn send me annoyed looks as they both pull out their wallets, handing over fifty bucks each to Max’s waiting hands.
“I had faith in you, Brody,” Penn says, shaking his head.
“Never pegged you for someone Dunner could rile up, how the stars have fallen,” Evan lets out in joking disappointment.
“Care to elaborate on what you bet on?” I snip back.
“Max said you’d go all caveman, be claiming her or something like that by the end of the night,” Penn replies.
Still smirking, Max adds, “Didn’t think it would be so easy.”
He shifts his focus to Mia.
“You’ve broken Mister Tough Guy over here.” He nods toward me as she smiles shyly, her gaze dropping to her glass.
I pull her closer to my side, hand resting comfortably on her hip. Let those fuckers say what they want, I got my girl, and that’s all that matters.
Chapter 29
As we walk to my apartment, we’re both greeted by a sleepy-eyed Bean. My once loyal child has betrayed me for his one true love, Jack. Those two are best buddies. He’s been coming around here so often that I swear they’ve even synced nap schedules. I always catch them snoozing together, Bean curled up in the corner, Jack using his body as a pillow as they snore quietly.
I snapped a photo the other day, it’s quickly become my favorite to scroll to. It’s a freaking sight to behold, a shirtless monstrosity of a man with his face squished into the side of a fuzzy cat. It’s one that I’m sure would break the internet if it ever got out, but I’m keeping it for myself.
I’m more tired than I thought, a yawn slipping out of me the moment I slip off my shoes.
“Can I stay over tonight?” Jack asks meekly, cradling Bean in his arms. I’ll never get used to the juxtaposition that is Jack Brody. Dominant and protective yet sweet and uncertain.
“I’d like that,” I reply, heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed. By the time I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changed into one of the oversized t-shirts I’ve abducted from Jack, he’s already lying comfortably on his side of my bed.
“I love it when you wear that.” He props his elbow on the bed, resting his head in his hand as he looks me over. I lift the comforter, settling in beside him as his arms wrap around me. It’s a perfect fit. He’s warm, and his scent is familiar, both having thepower to completely lull me into comfort mode. I can’t remember ever feeling like this with Seb. So happy, so safe, so calm. It comes too naturally, and I’m getting used to it.
“Jack?” I lift my head from his chest to look at him.
“Mm?” he mumbles, eyes still closed. He’s clearly as comforted as I am to have our bodies wrapped around each other.
Don’t say it, don’t say it.
“You, um, called me your girlfriend at the club.”Gahh, I said it.It comes out accusatory, but he doesn’t seem to mind, still unbothered in the comfort of the moment.
A smile stretches across his lips as he quietly repeats my words.
“My girlfriend.” His arms hug tighter around my body.