Page 68 of Fated Shot

“I turned my head for like two seconds, and some guy tapped his card; he didn’t even notice he paid for my drink, too,” his hearty laugh calls out. Motioning to Mia animatedly, he adds, “She walked away before he could even slip her his number.”

I don’t fucking like that.

“You’re welcome to join us anytime, Mia. I love freebies.” He raises his bottle to cheers her, waiting until she reluctantly lifts her hand and clinks her glass against his.

I lean over to whisper in her ear, “You okay?” Long dark lashes surrounding her beautiful green eyes shine up at me as she nods.

She tilts her chin up, and I lower my head, angling my ear toward her. “I couldn’t even hear what he was saying and then I just made a run for it.”

A chuckle escapes me,that’s my girl.I wrap my arm over her shoulders, tucking her close to my side, hand landing on her waist.

“Alright, Mia, what do you say to a dance with the best defenseman on the Tundra?” Max climbs over Penn and Evan to leave the booth, literally bumping and crawling across their laps.

What in the actual fuck is going on tonight? I can’t get her to myself for two fucking minutes. He offers her his hand, but she hesitates.

“I, um—I can’t dance,” she replies nervously.

Atta girl, turn him down.

“I’ll teach you, it’s all in the hips,” he says, winking at her suggestively. There’s no usual blush from her and my chest puffs up a little. Looks like I’m the only one who can make her flush.

She still seems hesitant, but to my dismay, she takes a quick sip of her drink and hops up off the seat. She doesn’t take his hand, though, but she does follow him to the dance floor as my eyes trail their every move. He’s smirking at me over his shoulder like a cat who just caught a mouse.Fucker.

“What the fuck is everyone’s problem tonight,” I say out loud to no one in particular as soon as they leave.

“A little jealous, are we?” Penn jokes, “Thought you said it wasn’t serious.”

Theo chimes in reassuringly, “He’s probably just messing around,” as he looks over at the two of them. He’s a good kid. Penn needs to take notes, little punk.

When I look over, too, she’s delicately swaying to the beat, her dress swishing around her hips. He notices me again, smirks, and then leans in to whisper something in her ear. She takes a small step back and turns to face me. When our eyes meet, there’s a look of surprise, and she hurries off the dance floor.

Max is still vibing to the music and doesn’t even miss a beat, turning instead to a different girl next to him.

I don’t want to be fighting for her attention all night, but I fucking will.

“Be right back,” I huff as I bound over to where I last saw Mia.

Thankfully, I spot her waiting in line for the bathroom, next to some random dude who so clearly looks like he’s trying to hit on her. Her reserved smile and lack of eye contact are all I need to know that I’m free to interject. Not that I’d let that stop me. No one else is going anywhere near her for the rest of the night.

“Mia,” I say in greeting, stepping between them, looping my arm to wrap around her waist.

“H-hi,” she calls up to me, head tilting all the way back to look at my face. The dude immediately takes two giant steps back and gets lost. As the door to the bathroom swings open, I stepforward pulling her in with me. As soon as we’re inside, I lock the door, turning to lift her onto the counter so we’re nearly face to face.

Through her exposed skin, I can clearly see her quickening pulse. She swallows hard when I lean in close to her delicate face. It’s like some strange deja vu, but I don’t care, I finally have her alone for the first time tonight.

My arms land on either side of her hips, boxing her in as I sigh into her ear, “I want you to myself.”

Goosebumps flood across her skin, and her hand rises to rest on my jaw.

“You have me now,” she says, a playful gleam in her eyes. Does that mean what I think it means? Before I can question any further, she initiates by closing the distance between us. I don’t miss a beat, matching her hurried pace, intertwining my hand in her hair, tugging her closer.

My tongue sweeps across her mouth as she moans softly in response, and I’m officially rock hard. I know she can tell because her hips start rocking side to side, right into my bulge, as she tugs on my shirt. Each time her pussy grazes me, she lets out a little sound that shoots straight to my dick.

It’s like everything I do to her, every movement, every touch is the best thing, and I fucking love it. I’ll never get enough. I move my hand to slip under the hem of her dress toward the warmth radiating from her core.

“F-fuck,” slips out the moment I realize she’s not wearing any panties. My fingers slip into her wetness as she gasps with pleasure.

My jealousy-fueled lust doesn’t seem to overpower my logic as I pull back, dropping my head to her shoulder.