How I’ve changed.
I don’t know how I’m going to tell Levi that I’m kinda dating Reeve and Torin kinda came with the package, but I’ll save it for another day.
I have to.
I’m officially taking the pussy route here and I don’t care.
“That Stanton fuck is waiting for you across the hall. Get rid of him.”
I roll my eyes behind my eyelids, but gradually break away from my bestie.
He might not be a fan of it, but I’m glad Reeve’s here.
Softly closing Dad’s room,Reeve is exactly where Levi said he was. His legs crossed at the ankles on the opposite side of the hallway, typing away at something on his phone as he patiently waits for me.
When he hears the click, his head lifts and a gentle smile comes off his face as he pushes off the wall and comes to me.
“How is he?”
“Sleeping,” I reply as Reeve stops within inches of me and reaches up to gingerly brush the pad of his thumb along my cheek. The movement is equally sweet and calming, just like Levi. But in aI want to snuggle with him foreverkinda way.
“How about Torin and I take the girls home and we’ll stay put until you need a ride home.”
“That’s sweet, Reevie. But Juice and Hot Rod?—”
“No,” he cuts in before his brows clash together. “You think I’m gonna leave my girls with the enemy?”
My girls?
I guess it’s because I’m not used to a dude who actually gives a genuine fuck about me besides Levi because Reeve’s concern actually rattles me a little bit.
“They know them,” I divulge.
“And how the hell are you getting home?” he presses. “Wallace gonna do that?” I blink at him because that was probably the way that was going to go down. “Fuckno.”
“Reeve—” His palm falls to my hip and gives it a little squeeze to warn the next stupid-ass suggestion from leaving my throat.
“I know you’re under a lot of stress right now, but my girl isn’t gonna be leaving with her ex who’s threatened to kill her multiple times.”
I open my lips to defend that fact, but I got nothing. So I simply nod.
Reeve rewards me with a simple and soft kiss on my forehead, causing my eyes to flutter closed in exhaustion and serenity. “I’ll go back to your house and grab you some things. And then I’ll be right back up.”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s not a problem, baby. Just focus on your dad. That’s all I need you to do, okay?” I bob my head and his smile lifts a little higher. “What can I bring back?”
“Just some clothes.”
“My phone charger. I think it’s in the front room. And could you bring me the Connect Four game and maybe some of his stress balls.”
“Yeah.” He wraps his arm around my waist. “I’ll get the house cleaned up and some food in the fridge.”