She giggles against my mouth.

“Don’t laugh, it feels too good,” I groan.

She kisses the corner of my mouth. “I love you, Hunter.”

I smooth my hand over her tumbling hair. “I love you, too. With my whole damn heart.”



nine months later

I geta lot of stares as I walk through the Natural Sciences building on campus on the first day of school. Yes, I look like I’m about to pop. No, I’m not actually going to have a baby any day now.

Hunter just makes big babies.

I actually have another six or eight weeks to go, so I decided to fill this term with classes I can participate in remotely after the baby arrives. I have a two-credit independent study project, a film studies elective that just seemed fun, and a biology lecture thatwill be the most work, but seems straightforward. Attend the lectures, do the assignments.

Most of the seats in the biology lecture hall have built in desks, and there’s no way me and my Dane-sized-baby-belly are fitting behind one of those. I start to climb the stairs at the side when vigorous waving catches my attention.

Hannah is in this class, too.

“I saved you a seat,” she says brightly.

“The desk…” I wave at my midsection.

“The desks in this row fold down! And I can take notes for the both of us.” She hides the table part of the chair next to her, creating more than enough space for me and her baby-brother-to-be.

“Thanks,” I say gratefully, climbing into the seat beside her. “I didn’t know you were taking this class.”

“I didn’t, either. But when I got to school today, I realized I had to drop a different class, so I went over to student affairs and asked what classes you were in.”

That’s probably a violation of privacy, but given that I’m herstep-mom now, it’s fine. Weird, but fine. “I can only help you until the baby comes,” I say mildly.

“Bestie!” She presses her hand to her chest in mock shock. “You know that this term, I’m going to be the one helping you.”

“Oh?” Now I’m struggling to hold back a laugh.

She nods confidently. “When you need to take notes, I’ll hold the baby. And when we have a group assignment, I’ll come over and take the baby for walks while you work on it. And?—”

“I get the idea.” I sigh.

“Don’t sigh,” she says. “It makes you sound like a mom.”

A year ago, she thought I sounded too much like a virgin. Now, I sound too much like a mom.

“Oh, Hannah,” I say, handing her a notebook and a pen. “Never change. Now pay attention, the lecture’s about to begin.”

Her phone lights up. “Oh, my dad says I should find you after your class today?” She holds it up and takes a selfie. I wave at the camera. “This will be a funsurprise for him.”

A second later,myphone vibrates.

I’m smiling as I swipe in.


Tell me she’s not bothering you.