“Can’t do that.”
“Don’t worry, he’ll fit.”
“I didn’t even say that I wasn’tsure it would!” She bites her lower lip. “But now that you bring it up...”
I step closer.
She shivers.
Fuck me, but I like that more than I should.
I hold out my hand and she comes to the edge of the bed.
“Baby, I’m taking my time with you,” I murmur, tracing the line of her pretty bra. “He’s not going to try to get inside you until you’re begging for it, I promise.”
The offending cock in question sways and thumps against her belly, making her squeak prettily.
“Mmm, but he does want inside you.”
She squirms. “I want that, too.”
“I know you do, sweet girl.” I slip her bra strap off her shoulder. “Can you be all the way naked for Daddy?”
She looks up at me, wide-eyed innocence for a second, and a surge of protectiveness rolls through me.
“Cara, I—” Fuck, I’m getting choked up.“You’re going to give me everything, though. That’s the thing. You already have.”
“Not quite everything.” Her gaze glitters, innocence dissolving into earnest desire.
I take her hand and press it to my bare chest. “I mean here.”
“Oh.” She nods, shy again. “Good.”
Then, her eyes dancing, she trails her fingers down to circle my erection.
I growl another curse word under my breath and cup her face, crushing my mouth to hers. Kissing her hard enough to make her squeak again, those sounds I can’t get enough of.
As we kiss, I peel off her bra, the pretty wrapping around my beautiful doll.
Once she’s naked, I cup her breasts, relishing the weight of them in my hands.
In the bright, middle of the day light, she’s a winter goddess.
“I’m so fucking lucky to be your first.”
“My only,” she whispers, arousal darkening her hazel gaze.
“In every way.” I sink to myknees at the edge of the bed. “Lean back for me. Show Daddy your pussy.”
She shifts back onto her hands, her legs spreading eagerly.
I circle my fingers around her ankles. She’s so fucking delicate. Soft little feet. Round, smooth calves. Her knees are dimpled and lovely, deserving of kisses. I drop my head and bite her there gently, then kiss it better before I nose my way up her inner thigh, chasing heaven.
Her hips tilt up as my mouth reaches her pink slit.
It’s good that she’s eager, but I need her even more than that. I want her writhing with need.
Licking between her folds, I focus on teasing her, getting her worked up. There won’t be any relief for my girl until my cock is buried inside her. It’s a fine line between being a monster and taking good care of her, and I’m going to walk it carefully.