Cara beams at me. “Hi.”
“I’m Hunter. Nice to meet you. I’m a single dad.”
“Cara. Mature-for-my-age college student. It’s a pleasure,” she says with a laugh. “Are you going to ask me how I want my first time having sex to go, too?”
I groan. “Look, I don’t have a lot of slick moves, all right? Nice Dad is my default setting.”
“Good thing that Nice Dad really turns me on,” she murmurs, crossing to me.
It’s so fucking easy to take her into my arms and kiss her. “You feel perfect against me,” I say between kisses. “I love how soft you are.”
“I’m even softer without clothes on.”
Fuck yeah. “Upstairs with you, then.”
She races ahead, youthful ass bouncing. I can’t believe I thought this was something to be worried about a week ago. Pulse pounding, I follow.
As she reaches the top of the stairs, she turns around to smile breathlessly at me.
An animalistic growl rumblesout of me.
She paces backwards. I prowl forwards. She looks so pretty and innocent. Wide hazel eyes. Pink cheeks. Soft fucking mouth.
My balls are already full for her.
“This isn’t very Nice Dad,” she breathes.
She shakes her head.
“You aren’t worried I’m going to be too gentle?”
“Not even a little careful.” She bumps into the doorframe to my room, twists around, and runs for my bed.
I catch her before she gets there, wrapping my arms around her waist. Filling my hands with her in that way I’ve wanted to all morning. “Good. Because holding back last night just about killed me.”
“I want Nice Dad and Rough Daddy and everything in between.”
“Let’s get these ridiculous PJs off.”
“I agree. It’s kind of hard to take you seriously as Rough Daddy when you’re a giant candy cane,” she teases.
I tickle her sides. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Nothing!” She waves her hands, laughing,as she twists away from me. Gaze locked on my face, she pushes her pants off, taking her underwear with them. I get a glimpse of her sweet little cunt as she crawls onto the bed and sits like a pinup girl, ass and tits out, as she peels off her top.
Under it, she’s wearing a barely there bra made of some kind of translucent fabric that has a glitter to it.
She looks like an erotic, lush Christmas ornament.
“Your turn,” she says, breathy and tantalizing.
I yank off my clothes and stand there for her appraisal, cock rising up to point straight at her. I want her to look at me as much as she wants, for as long as she wants. I love her warm, caressing gaze on my body.
And I love how her eyes go comically large when she locks on my cock. “Is it bigger than it was last night?”
Feels like it, yeah. “Ignore him.”