“Oh God, Hunter, don’t—” She flings her arms around my neck as I wrap her thighs around my waist.
“Don’t what?” I carry her to my bed and set her down on the edge of the mattress.
She clings to me, shaking her head. “I wasn’t sure you could pick me up.”
I laugh. “Ah, sweetness. Holding you in my arms is the easiest thing in the world. You make me feel ten feet tall and as strong as?—”
“An oak tree?” She squeezes my shoulders. “That’s what I thought when you kissed me the first time.”
“I’ll be your oak tree. I’ll be anything you need.”
“I need more kisses,” she says shyly.
I roll to the side, pulling her with me sowe stretch out together on the mattress. “Come here, then.”
She gives me her lips, eager and soft, and I pour into this kiss everything I’m feeling, because I can’t rush my girl into anything else.
If all we do tonight is make out, I will be the luckiest man in the world.
As our first tastes stretch into breath-stealing deep kisses, I roam my hands over her bare arms and back and tummy, caressing her everywhere her bra isn’t covering. Tension radiates through me, and it’s so hard to hide from her. She squirms closer, rocking her hips into my obvious erection, even through both of our jeans.
“I thought you were going to unwrap me,” she whispers as she pulls my hand to the button on her jeans.
I shudder, need ripping through me. With a flick of my fingers, the button is open and her jeans are unzipped.
She gasps and I kiss her again, holding her against me as I push my hand into the back of her jeans to cup her ripe, lushass.
“Cara, my Cara,” I growl as I roll her onto her back.
I rear up on my knees, looking down at her with unrestrained hunger now. Her chest is rising and falling unevenly, but her gaze is locked on me and her eyes are glittering with desire.
“Hips up, pretty girl,” I murmur as I hook my fingers on her jeans and ease them off her. Under the denim, she’s wearing blue cotton panties, and once the jeans are flung over my shoulder, I settle my hands on her hips and just….look. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
She wriggles in my touch. “I didn’t know I’d be getting halfway naked.” She blushes. “I do own matching underwear.”
I drag in a rough breath and roll my thumbs over the soft padding at her hipbones. “That would be perfect, too.”
“And I have ugly underwear,” she says slowly.
“Good. Perfect.”
I jerk my eyes up and meet her gaze. “Yes?”
She smiles. “You just said ugly underwear would be perfect.”
“Is this a bad time to admit I’m going to be an easy lay for you?” I grin. “I’m…I mean, the joke is that I’m like a kid on Christmas morning, but you’re so pretty and soft and sexy, and I can’t quite fucking believe that you’re in my bed.”
“How easy are we talking?” She licks her lips and looks at my cock, bulging at the fly on my jeans.
“Fuck, don’t tempt me with that mouth.”
Her eyes light up. “Is that tempting?”
I fall forward, bracing my arms on the bed on either side of her.
She bites her lower lip and gives me an innocent look. “Good.”