Have I mentioned how much I love using your full name? Remember when I said names were important? Well, trust me, if anyone understands just how important they are, it’s me.
A memory from the night at the carnival came back to me, about how he’d said that very thing, which made much more sense now that I knew he’d been going by the wrong name.
Anyway, Horny’s getting out of control, humping his way across my apartment, and I thought that he should channel some of that energy to help you offload some product.
But let’s be honest, he’ll probably just keep on humping his rainbow.
Fun fact: my favorite animal is a turtle. I used to have a couple of red-eared sliders as a kid. I got so into my turtles that Evan staged an intervention because he said it’d damage his rep if his twin brother was known as the amphibian kid. I, of course, told him that technically, I’d be the reptile kid. It felt like a pretty good comeback until saying it aloud made me realize I was THIS CLOSE to becoming a social pariah.
(I wondered if I should leave Evan out of my stories, but I’m trying to be completely honest with you, and the truth is that while he’s sometimes a pain in my ass, he’s my pain in the ass.)
Another fun fact for you because I’m generous like that. I used to think Merry-Go-Rounds were the lamest ride. Now, thanks to a beautiful girl who showed me how much fun I could have on one, they’re my favorite. I’d even rank them higher than the Zipper, although since the one we rode made you cling to me like you were never letting go, it’s a close second.
Ethan the ReptileKidMan
(Not as cool as some of the superheroes you guessed, I know)
My heart felt like it might burst. Remember that thing about not liking rollercoasters? Well, it felt like I was on one. The ups were amazing, but I’d experienced that hard and fast down, and I still wasn’t sure I liked it. Although no one had ever hand written me notes and poured out his heart like this before, and it definitely nudged me closer to the forgiving him line.
The forgiving and forgetting and going all in one…?
“I think I need to get home and talk to Tori about this,” I told Horny the Unicorn, because I figured I might as well embrace the crazy that a certain handsome, charming lawyer had driven me to.
“Tori?” I burst into the apartment, a stuffed unicorn tucked under my arm. “You’ll never guess—” I froze as I took in the enormous bouquet of red tulips on the counter.
“I bet I can guess,” she said, coming out from the hallway.
“Was he here?” I asked, my throat going dry.
“Just the delivery man.” She leaned her elbows on the counter. “But… Well, don’t be mad, but I might’ve provided him with your schedule. Since it was to leave you notes and not to ambush you, I figured it was okay, and you’ve been so miserable, and really, someone needed to do something.”
I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “So you told him to do this?”
Tori adamantly shook her head. “This was all him. He got in touch with me—evidently Evan had my info—and asked if I’d help. I told him I would, and that if he made it impressive enough, maybe I wouldn’t follow through on the threat to take out a restraining order against him?—”
She held up her hands. “Just a bluff. Had to see what he was made of. Admittedly, he’s pretty damned determined. I think theboy might be a wee bit crazy over you.” She jerked her chin at the flowers. “Did you read the note yet?”
“Not this one.” I reached for it, the big yellow square on the plastic holder that usually held fancier, tinier cards. He’d folded the paper several extra times to get it to fit and my impatience grew as I struggled to unfurl it.
Using my palm, I smoothed out the creases.
I love that you prefer tulips over roses, and I like that you have a squirrel charm on your ankle bracelet. Your friends were right, but I’m not sure I feel quite right saying I never thought I’d find a squirrel so damn sexy. I love how excited you get about things, and how you’re equally excited about the next thing that pops up. I love how you know a ton about lighthouses. How you make superhero jokes. And don’t even get me started on your laugh. It’s seriously my favorite. Plus your dimples.
And the way you stretch your legs up on the dash.
I could leave or take your music, but if it meant having you next to me, I’d let you play how much ever awful music you wanted.
I have a picture that proves I’m also pretty fond of your ass, but until you decide to give me another chance, I’m keeping it. (Notice how I said the thing about giving me another chance like it’s an inevitability. Hint, hint).