As Evan and I made our way over, several people said hello. Acquaintances from high school. The woman who ran the local coffee shop. One of my teachers. Paige’s parents, which wasslightly awkward, and Kyle’s parents, which was super freaking awkward.
But every time my shoulders would tense up, Evan would run his fingers across my skin and become my center and my rock.
After the couple’s first dance, they invited other couples to join them on the floor.
I was sure Evan wouldn’t want to dance, so I eyed the tables, wondering which one we’d been seated at.
“Where you going?” Evan asked.
“To find our seats.”
“I figured you’d want to dance.”
I glanced toward the floor where other couples swayed and spun. “I figured you wouldn’t want to.”
“Do I get to wrap my arms around you?” he asked, his voice low and husky, and butterflies swarmed my gut.
“I think that’s how it typically works, yes.”
“Then I’m in.” He laced his fingers with mine, led me to the dance floor, and drew me close.
I ran my hands up his arms and linked them behind his neck, bringing our bodies flush together. “How’d you know I’d want to dance?” It wasn’t like I frequented nightclubs, and there’d never been any opportunity to dance during our usual, more-laidback hangouts.
“You bounced around in your seat to the beat of your awful music while we were in the car. You get this different kind of smile when dancing is involved, even if it’s chair dancing.”
My smile stretched my cheeks.
“Yep, that’s the one.” Evan twirled me out and then pulled me back in, and my laugh caught the attention of people around us, but I didn’t care. He was far from being on the beat, but I didn’t care about that, either.
We were on our second dance when Evan’s expression abruptly turned murderous. Keeping a tight grip on him—this dance floor was on the slick side—I glanced over my shoulder.
Kyle cleared his throat. “Can I cut in?”
Evan tightened his grip on me. “Nope.”
“Look, man, I just want to talk to her, I swear.”
No verbal response from my boyfriend—the leer was still in place and his iron grip remained. The thought of talking to Kyle was akin to wearing Lady Gaga’s meat dress into a lion’s den, but his tormented expression and the slight pleading in his words dug at me. Something inside of me also craved some kind of closure. As much as he and I could have. Just have it out and get it done so we could fully move on.
“Evan,” I said, and he growled. Growled! And it totally caused an undercurrent of electricity that demanded to be fed.
Paige was suddenly there next to Kyle. “I’ll dance with Evan while you guys talk.”
Now it was my turn to growl.
Madison and Kade danced closer, apparently wanting in on the awkward action. “Everyone having fun?”
We all nodded, because for as pretty as brides could be with all their flawless makeup and layers and layers of tulle, they were also kinda scary when they smiled with that gleam in their eye that ordered you not to ruin their wedding.
“Here.I’lldance with Evan,” Madison said. She nudged her brand-new groom toward Paige. “You dance with Paige for a song.”
With a shrug, Kade switched over to Paige, and as the two of them started away from us, I asked Madison, “Sure you want to do that?” Okay, so there was still some bitterness.
“I trust Kade. Plus, she’s already been with his brother, so that’d be super weird and…” She waved a hand through theair. “Just go take care of your shit so we can get on with the celebration.”
“Evan?” Madison held out her hand, a hint of impatience in her tone.
His eyes met mine. “Up to you.”