“It’s my birthday party,” I said. “I can’t just skip it.”
“I had a different idea for a party, one that involved our birthday suits.”
“And luckily we’ll have time for both kinds of parties.” It wasn’t that she was opposed to celebrating my birthday, but one that involved my whole family. And having my whole family watch on as she interacted with several of the people who knew her from back when she was dating Evan. Admittedly, odds of awkwardness were high.
“My parents are going to love you, I promise,” I said, deciding to address that worry first. “And my brother… Well, he can stick to friends. Who don’t touch.” My hands tightened on the steering wheel. Evan and I were cool. He and Gwen had even formed a sort of friendship where they talked and joked around whenever their paths crossed—it wasn’t perfect, but it was less strained each time. I knew that part of him was still stung over the fact that Gwen hadn’t picked him, but we’d worked through it, and he knew how I felt about her, and it was time to introduce her to the rest of my family.
“I plan on you being part of my life for a very long time—like forever. We’ve got to do this sooner or later.” I pulled up to the house I’d grown up in.
“I pick later!” She twisted to face me, eyes wide. “I’ll let you take me on a rollercoaster. Right now only, deal expires at midnight.”
Tempting, but not enough to prevent me from getting out of the car, circling the hood, and opening her door. One sexy leg stuck out and I got a little lost in ogling my girlfriend. We’d been dating for two months now. She’d been to my work, I’d beento hers. It was time to take that leap and introduce her to my parents.
Her shoulders relaxed slightly, and while I thought it was from my stellar comforting skills, I realized as soon as Tori came strolling over that it was about her best friend. “Thank goodness you’re here.”
“You say jump, I say who do I jump?” Tori replied with a giant grin. Then she nodded at me. “Hey, doppelbanger.”
“Hey, fake British chick.”
She blew me a kiss and then the three of us walked up the steps to the house. Admittedly, I liked Tori. She was funny and authentic and had Gwen’s back, no matter what. Kinda wished Gwen didn’t feel the need to have her here tonight, but if it helped the party go smoother, I’d call it a win.
“Surprise!” several people shouted when I stepped inside, even though obviously it wasn’t a surprise party.
Evan stepped up to give me a hug, patting my back and wishing me a happy birthday.
“Right back at you,” I said.
“Gwen.” He tipped his head. “Looking lovely this evening.” He cast me a quick glance, like he was checking he hadn’t crossed the line. Not that I could claim to be an expert on avoiding crossing the line, but I appreciated it. Then his smile tightened as he glanced at Gwen’s roommate. “Tori. Still clinging to the obnoxious British thing, I presume?” Unlike when I teased her about her personality quirk, there wasn’t any humor in his jab.
“I’ll take that as a compliment coming from the discontinued, outdated version of Ethan.”
Wow. The hatred was strong with those two. Not sure why, and I didn’t want to get in the middle of it—I was done getting involved in Evan’s messes. Before we got pulled into that, I nudged Gwen on past my brother’s group of friends, who calledout greetings to us as we walked by. Naturally, they all loved Gwen, and it took us a few extra minutes to make it across the room.
“Ethan! Happy birthday!” Mom walked up to us, her smile widening as she took in my girlfriend and her pretty purple dress. “And you must be Gwen. We’ve heard so much about you.” She hugged Gwen, who enthusiastically hugged her back once she realized there was hugging happening. “You’re just as lovely as Ethan said.”
“He’s great at upselling me like that.”
My mom laughed and then Dad came over, and within minutes, they were trying to keep up with Gwen’s chatter as they beamed at her.
I nudged her, my silent way of sayingTold you so.
She bumped her hip against mine, in a move that I took to meanSince you were obviously right, you’re going to totally get lucky tonight.
Okay, I might’ve read more into that than she meant, but as the night wore on, and all the weirdness faded, everything in my life felt perfectly aligned. My dad even remarked how impressed he was that I was already up for a promotion.
“Have you seen Tori?” Gwen asked, glancing around.
“Not in a while.” I looked around, too, but didn’t see her anywhere. After another thirty or so minutes of circulating, I curled Gwen to me and whispered, “Ready to get out of here? I can’t stop thinking about you in your birthday suit.”
Heat flooded her gaze, and she gripped a fistful of my shirt. “You better take me home, and quick, or I’ll make what Horny does to his rainbow look like amateur hour.”
“I don’t even know what that means,” I said with a laugh, “but I’m looking forward to finding out.”
We wished people goodbye on our way out—although I couldn’t find Evan—and then we climbed into my car. It wasn’t a Camaro, but it was mine. As was the girl by my side.
On the drive back to my place, I once again thanked my lucky stars for my past poor judgment, a road trip that’d flipped my life upside down, and a woman who was amazing enough to forgive and forget, in spite of my imperfections.
I lifted our entwined hands to my lips and kissed the back of hers. “Have I mentioned lately how much I love you, Guinevere Cosgrave?”