“Now Iknowyou’re buttering me up—most people find it obnoxious.”

“Sounds like you’ve been hanging out with all the wrong people, sweetheart.”

“Maybe it’s just people, period. Werewolves are where it’s at. Then again, as I mentioned earlier, Sasquatch is definitely of the opinion it’s obnox?—”

I spun her around and plundered her mouth with my tongue. Distraction was the name of the game when it came to Kerrigan’s anxieties. As long as I kept her focused on the here and now, she’d forget why she’d hesitated in the first place.

She cupped the back of my neck, drawing me closer as her mouth moved against mine, and I willingly gave into her gravitational pull, my body becoming a pleasure-seeking missile. As I stroked my tongue over hers, desire detonated and spread, the rapturous debris raining down around us until it was the only thing that existed.

Her lips. The heat of her body. Her hands drifting over my bare torso. My hands on her ass, squeezing and kneading as I notched her tighter against me. Our tongues tangled in a dance that spoke of anticipation, obsession, and surrendering to temptation.

Pure unadulterated need streaked through me as she gripped the waistband of my pants over the button that I internally begged her to undo. If I didn’t reinforce my willpower, I’d forget that my show and tell plan consisted of more than our bodies.

I reluctantly broke the kiss, pride roaring to the surface as I took in her half-lidded expression. If she ensnared me again, I wasn’t sure I’d ever find my way out. “Holy shit, woman.”

The siren beamed at me, innocently batting her eyes, and I took a large step back so I wouldn’t reach for her again. “I was gonna accuse you of using your humor as a delay tactic, but then you upped the ante with all”—I encompassed her, head to toe, with the circling of my finger—“that. Trust me, once we’re inside the cave, it’ll be worth the wait.”

Kerrigan hugged her arms around herself. “Don’t you remember my fear of heights?” Before I could reply that I certainly recalled the way I’d helped her get over them on the Ferris wheel, she added, “Grams was the brave one in the family. She’s the reason I’ve been taking more risks. It’s what I do in her memory, because weird or not, she was one of my best friends and I miss her. But this time, the stakes are too high. We’re in the middle of nowhere, with no equipment or rails, and if we fall...”

I closed the distance between us and captured her quivering chin in my fist. “I understand your hesitance, and if you decide not to go, I’ll respect your decision. But I haven’t shared this spot with anyone else in the whole world, and I want to share it with you. I promise I’ll get you into that cave without so much as a scratch. You might get a little wet, but that’s the extentof the danger, and you could always minimize soggy clothes by shedding a layer or two—something I highly recommend, by the way.”

“Seems mighty convenient,” she said, glancing from me to the waterfall to me again. With a comingled grumble and sigh, she removed one shoe and then the other. “Fine. We all know you’re gonna win in the end anyway.”

“I prefer to think of it as us both winning,” I said with a triumphant smile.

Kerrigan shook her head and peeled off her shirt, revealing a lacy purple bra that reminded me of the tiny flowers that grew in the meadows during spring. “The things I do for you.”

My mouth watered as I watched her unzip her jeans and shimmy out of the denim as though she’d learned how to undress in a porno. Hip pop, hip pop, perky tits bouncing with each movement.

As she bent to pick up her discarded clothes, dizziness set in. The lacy thong showcased her supple, heart-shaped ass, and one particular part of my body stood at attention. Anyway, it tried. The too-thick denim got in the way, prompting me to shed my jeans. I rarely bothered with underwear, as it was one more layer to discard before shifting.

The blood in my veins turned molten. With her standing in front of me in matching underwear, my hedonistic side grappled with my self-control. If I didn’t get her to the cave within the next few minutes, she’d likely change her mind, so I reminded myself I’d have time for more ogling once we reached our destination.

I let my inner wolf loose, shifting as I strode—and then padded—over to Kerrigan.

She squatted to eye level, which worked out nicely as it gave me the perfect view of her cleavage. “I probably shouldn’t pet you, but since you can’t tell me any differently...” She rubbedher hand along my pepper-colored coat, and I tipped my head into her touch, inhaling her familiar, intoxicating scent as she scratched her way down my side.

Then I licked her cheek, basking in her giggle.

“Okay, I’m gonna climb on you now. Which we did at least discuss first, so... Here I go.” Kerrigan boosted herself onto my back and wound her arms around my neck.

I darted toward the rocky cliff, the surge of adrenaline the type of natural high that came from running in wolf form. Instead of turning my senses fuzzy, it sharpened them, every tree, rock, and blade of grass standing out. The roar of the waterfall sounded louder; I could feel Kerrigan’s chest moving with rapid breaths.

Within minutes, we were near the cave. With my sights set on the rock outcropping behind the steady spray of water, I picked up speed.

“Wait. We’re not—” Kerrigan’s scream echoed through the air as I leaped through the waterfall.


Cool water rushed over me,several buckets worth, all at once. Conall skidded to a stop, and I made a mental note to inform him that having my underwear plastered to my skin by several gallons of water hardly qualified as getting “a little wet.”

But we’d made it safely through the waterfall and into the cave. I didn’t want to think about the fact that we’d have to somehow make it back out. As I sat up from my spot astride my lupine steed, I gasped at the beauty of the hidden world we’d crashed our way into. Moss covered the sides in a display that boasted every shade of green. Leafy vines hung over the mouth, and with the sun nearing the horizon, the beads clinging to them glowed, turning the waterfall into a glittery curtain that spit flecks onto my skin.

Ever so carefully, I climbed off Conall. A handful of years ago, I’d ridden a pony of similar size, only the werewolf at my side was much stockier, with slightly shorter legs. He certainly shook his coat out like a dog, sending droplets over me once again.

I brought my arms up and laughed, and by the time I dropped them, Conall had returned to his human form. Hestraightened to his full height, as naked as the day he’d materialized on my exam table.

My hair sent rivulets of water down my body, and a quick glance confirmed that yep, my nipples were as hard as they felt, not to mention visible through the thinly lined cups of my bra. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen them before, however via phone screen and real life felt a lot different.