Every muscle in my body tensed, and the world turned hazy on the edges.

As if our steamy session couldn’t get any more perfect, Kerrigan pouted her lips and affected a tiny voice. “Please, show me mercy, Mr. Big Bad Wolf. I’ll do anything.”

My chest heaved with rapid breaths, and I peered into her eyes, the rapture inside of them expounding mine as well. “Turn to face the camera so I can show you how much I love those tits by coming on them.”

She pivoted as instructed, and I snagged a couple of tissues, sure I was about to shoot every load that’d built up during all my time going without. Her fingers continued to delve into her panties as she gyrated and moaned, faster and faster, and I matched her tempo.

Then she shattered apart, igniting my orgasm as well.

We both tumbled over the edge with a cacophony of grunts, moans, cries, and groans, apart but together.

Considering I’d just come harder than I’d ever come with anyone else, I knew I was going to resent every single thing that got in the way of me getting my hands and mouth on her again.


Around noon on Sunday,two visitors showed up at my door.

“Elias is going to fix your electrical issues,” Gina said, looping her elbow through mine, “and you and I are going to work on our tans. Or just read magazines and drink. It’s my first day off from the bar in eons, so I’m not picky.”

I glanced back at Elias as Gina towed me toward the sliding patio door, her eyes fixed on the deck and weathered lounge chairs. “I feel bad making Elias work on something that could get him electrocuted,” I said. “I should just call in a professional to handle it.” Although I worried I couldn’t afford the consultation, much less the repairs.

“This is my punishment for leaving my post.” With ease, Elias scooted out the oven I’d tried and failed to budge and used the flashlight on his cell to peer behind the appliance. “Taking care of outdated wires is far better than any other chores Conall could assign me, and something I’m completely qualified for, so I should actually be thanking you.”

That seemed like a stretch but placated me enough to give in to Gina’s pull. Before long, she and I were chatting and gossiping over a pitcher of sangria.

I learned all about how Gina came to live in Guadalupe Falls—she’d been born and raised in the woods southeast of here, her family hiding in plain sight until Conall showed up and invited them to join his pack. Then we discussed our hobbies. I had my fascination with the medical world, and she derived pleasure from playing the guitar, singing, and even dabbled in writing, which I told her was super cool.

By the time we covered our interests, I’d also drunk enough to drop Conall’s name. “Not to risk a repeat of the night we met, and I asked about Conall, but woman to woman...” Whenever I was around him, it was like some nympho had possessed my body, and I couldn’t decide whether to tell her to take a hike or beg her to stay forever. Asking about his past dating life wasn’t bravery, though; it was me being a chicken and needing reassurance I wasn’t playing the fool, getting way too close to falling for him so quickly. “Never mind.”

Gina sat up and leaned in conspiratorially. “Now that I know you know about us, my lips might be a little looser. Within reason.”

Within reason. I doubted I was the best judge of that, but here I went anyway. “Does he... Has he...? Have there been a lot of women who...?” I upended the last of the fruity contents from my glass, giving the bottom a tap to dislodge a stubborn chunk of orange. “Is he a player?”

Gina snorted her drink, coughing and blinking her watery eyes. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting that.”

“He claimed he wasn’t a womanizer,” I continued, my words slurring together, “and it’s not that I don’t believe him, it’s just that I’ve...”

“Met too many douchebags in your day?”

I tipped my glass at her. “Yes, that.”

“Well, he’s never struggled to land a date, and plenty of women have attempted to catch his eye and hold his attention, but he’s very committed to his position as alpha. I’ve known him for over a decade, and I can at least assure you the interest he’s taken in you isn’t anything I’ve witnessed before. Wouldn’t you agree, Elias?”

At my frozen posture and widening eyes, Gina shrugged a shoulder. “With our superior hearing, any pretenses of whispering or secrets around werewolves are just that.”

Elias emerged from the house, rested a hip against the frame of the open patio door, and tapped the pair of pliers in his hand against his palm. “For sure. Not to mention, providing shelter and safety are big gestures in the animal kingdom, and well, I’m here to ensure you don’t get electrocuted, so...”

Gina pointed at Elias. “Bingo. There’s the general helping out our community, but this, with you, is on another level.”

“It’s just that I called him an asshole, and he didn’t dispute he was one. In fact, he admitted it. Same with being unreasonable and not nice. I keep worrying those are red flags, ones that’d be reckless to ignore.”

“Hmmm.” Gina tapped a finger to her lip. “Conall can be harsh, unyielding, and about as cuddly as a honey badger. Since becoming the Alpha of the Bridgewater Pack, he’s won every brawl and battle he’s gotten into, and there’s been quite a few. I wouldn’t want to be his enemy, that’s for sure...”

That had Elias nodding.

“But he’s also fair, honest, and genuinely cares about his people,” Gina finished. “Our family no longer has to live in constant fear of discovery, and he listens to our input on issues. If he makes a stand, no one doubts he’s got his reasons, which is why we’ll all fight beside him without question.”

“I used to belong to another pack,” Elias said, his expression turning grim. “They discovered I was gay and kicked me out, but not before beating the shit out of me and leaving me out in the middle of nowhere to die.”