I clamped my lips to keep my laughter from slipping out and ruining the moment. “If it makes you feel any better, it only seems so high because of how short you are.” No surprise, that earned me a glare, but if she was focused on me instead of her fears, I could handle her ire. In fact, I might as well stoke it a bit,because apparently it was how I got my kicks these days. “And you’re the one who was already in line for the tallest ride.”
“I was trying to prove to myself that I can be bold and brave. But I’m not, and I want to get off. Right now.”
I debated for a beat and then tiptoed my fingers a couple of inches higher on her thigh. “If that’ll help you, I’d be happy to oblige.”
It took her a second to put the words together, but then she smacked my arm before immediately clinging on to it again.
A crinkle bisected her forehead, and holy shit, the wheels were spinning in that incredible brain of hers.
“You’re considering it.”
“No,” she said. Then she sank her teeth into her lower lip. “Well, maybe. More in a hypothetical way, as in would that truly be enough to distract me?”
“You wound me,” I teased, shifting my hand to her inner thigh and sliding it up until I reached the spot where it met her torso. At the slight lift of her hips, I rested my thumb right on the very center of her, over the seam of her jeans. Her eyelashes fluttered and her nipples puckered beneath the thin cotton of her shirt. “And yet, I’m happy to play test subject.” I stroked her through the too-thick fabric, hardening at her soft mewl. “Full disclosure: I’m going to be better at it than most anyone else you’d experiment with.”
Her lips parted, and I halfway expected her to tell me our distraction game had gone far enough. But then she said, “As someone who’s very serious about the scientific method, I’m afraid I’m going to need you to prove it.”
What was I doing?
Not thinking, that’s what.I also figured that while I was being brave and bold, I might as well go all out. Already this brash decision was working out better than pushing past my fear of rickety machines and heights.
At the sound of my zipper going down, my thoughts split into two categories:you should stop thisandyes,please Godget more of your large hand on more of me.
Conall palmed me over my panties, eliciting a moan, and I quickly clenched my jaw shut, working on stifling any other sounds from spilling out. The tantalizing combo of soft lips and scruff brushed the shell of my ear. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, and my sense of euphoria heightened at the circling of his fingertips and the corresponding twitch of the muscles in his forearm. “The bucket comes up high enough no one can see what I’m doing to you but me. And fuck if I’m not enjoying the hell out of the show.”
My head fell back against the metal seat, the sun bright enough to turn my whole world orange, even with my eyes closed.
Conall hooked the silky triangle of fabric covering me, shifting it aside and then dragging a callused fingertip over my clit. Liquid pooled, and he spread it over me, andholy shit, I’d never been so turned on in my life.
My hips bucked as he increased the tempo, and I whipped up my head, panicked at the idea of getting off on a carnival ride and even more panicked at having to walk around unsatisfied.
A whimper came out as my legs quivered, pressure gathering into a tight ball deep within my core. I clamped onto his arm and peered into eyes so dark and intense that it drove me that much faster toward the edge. “I... I’m not good at being quiet.”
“I’m afraid I’m going to need you to prove it,” he said, echoing my words from earlier, and the dip of the wheel sent my stomach up to meet my rib cage. The rise and fall of the machine and whir of the scenery no longer concerned me; if anything, it amplified my pleasure.
It hit me that others were shouting as well, in enjoyment or fear as they rode along, hopefully unaware that I was getting an entirely different kind of ride.
Every muscle in my body coiled, ready to unleash in a rapturous blur, and then Conall plunged a finger inside me. His thumb hit my clit, and he crashed his mouth over mine as I screamed his name.
The languid strokes of his tongue matched the pumping of his finger. I teetered on the brink of gratification, and then I was flying apart, faster than the whirling of scenery, so high in the air that I gave into the free-fall, sure Conall would catch me.
As soon as mobility returned to my body, I kissed him back, moving my mouth and tongue against his as he brought me all the way down from my quick trip to paradise.
Vaguely, I noticed the ride slowing to a stop, with our bucket at the very top.
Conall readjusted my panties to cover me as he withdrew his finger, and then he sucked it into his mouth and groaned.
I didn’t know what to say or do. I waited for the embarrassment to hit, but it was lost in the sea of rapture, no sight of it as far as the eye could see.
“I think I owed you that,” he said, his voice extra gruff.
For a couple of seconds, all I could do was stare at the giant beast of a man—no, literally beast of a beast. “Does that make me or you the hooker?”
His laugh filled the air, the deep and devious sound vibrating across my nerve endings and intensifying the residual throb between my thighs. “If you ever want a repeat, call me. No payment required.”
I dared a glance over the side of our bucket, and while my pulse skittered, the hysterical edge from earlier was gone. “The experiment definitely worked.”