“It is?”

It was her turn to nod.

“Mmmm, well, I want to be more than friends with him, but I didn’t believe that he wanted anything more than, you know….”

I did a weird gesticulation with my hand, hoping not to have to say any more.

Agnes chuckled. “You thought he just wanted to have sex with you? And nothing more?”


“What a silly goose you are.”

“I am?”

“Yes, you are. That man looks at you with hearts in his eyes every day. Even when he’s angry with you he can’t hide how much he loves you.”

“He does?” My conversation skills were slipping, obviously, as I stared at the old lady next to me, hope blossoming at her words.

“He does. Whenever you’re around, you’re all he can see. He is so hopelessly in love with you that it radiates off him in waves.” She paused and patted my hand again. “For an intelligent girl, you’re pretty stupid about some things.”

“That’s what Teddy says,” I muttered.

“So what do you need my help with?”

Here goes nothing, if she didn’t think I was stupid before, she definitely will now.

“He’s got it in his head that I’m in love with his brother. Which I’m not,” I added hastily. Agnes nodded, gesturing that I should continue. “He’s not talking to me or answering messages, so to show him how I feel, I’ve devised a treasure hunt to remind him of our shared experiences and all the little things about him that I love. Is that bonkers?”

“A treasure hunt?”


“What’s the prize?”

I pointed my index finger into my chest and cringed. This was ridiculous and would never work.

“I should scrap it. It’s a terrible idea.”

“No, you shouldn’t. You need to put him first. Show him how you feel. He’s done it for you more times than you’ll care to admit, hasn’t he?”

“Yes,” I confessed in a sulky whisper, because it was true. He put himself out there for me, regularly, without hesitation.

“So be bonkers and silly for him. Risk embarrassing yourself and then he’ll know you really mean it. Step outside your controlled and logical comfort zone, Hannah. Live a little!”

With a sigh, I got to my feet. “You’re right. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So, what can I do?”

Digging into the bag at my feet, I pulled out the next note. “Deidre’s one of my clues, and an instrumental part of our recent history. Do you mind if I pop a clue in here somewhere?”

I handed Agnes the note and she read it with a smile on her face.

A tool that’s useful for the best DIY, I also spin wildly where you let sleeping vets lie. What am I?

“I don’t know what this means, but I definitely think you’re being bonkers enough.”

I winced and handed a little drawstring bag to her. She placed the note inside and tied it on to the thick leather collar Deidre wore.