“You got it, Mimi.”

I don’t get a chance to catch up with Laney and Emma, because as soon as I get their sweet teas, everyone begins showing up. Pepaw is busy with pumping gas, cleaning windshields, and chatting with everyone, giving them personal attention. Minnie stays busy boxing fresh fried catfish and making more sweet tea. I remain firmly placed at the cash register working quickly to ring everyone out in a timely manner while still being friendly.

When everyone finally clears out, I tell Pepaw and Mimi to go take a break and catch their breath. I’ve run the station plenty of times alone. Not even ten minutes has passed when fate decides to mock me…yet again. The bell over the door rings and who should walk in? None other than J.D.—or as everyone else knows himPastorJohn David.

I can’t believe this is the son of Brother Johnny. The only thing they share in common—other than name—is their height. There must be giants somewhere in the family because this man is built like a lumberjack or a Viking warrior. All he needs is to let his hair down and unbutton his shirt and this guy could be one of the cover models on the historical romance novels Mimi keeps in her nightstand drawer. He could be John David the Conqueror.

“Still not sure what the H stands for. Harper or Honey?” His voice still sends a shiver through me. His eyes are beautiful. A deep blue sea I could easily get lost in.

I stammer for a minute as I try to settle on a word. “Harper. Honey. Both. Either.”

It’s hard to stand here before him because the memory of us together has me all flustered. I never imagined myself in this situation. For one thing, I still can’t believe I had a one night stand. That’s something I’d never imagined I’d do. But I did. Two, I never could’ve predicted being this unnerved over a man. The third and final area that has me flabbergasted is that my mystery man is inside Mimi’s Gasoline Grove.My grandparents could walk in any minute.

Oh no. My grandparents could walk in. Nope. Nope. Nope. “You have to leave.”

“I haven’t ordered my sweet tea yet.”

“My grandparents might walk in.”

“And… I’m a customer, darlin’.”

Darlin’.He’s the only man who could pull off saying that to me. “Should a preacher say,” I lower my voice dramatically, “‘darlin?’”

He smirks. “That’s not how I sound.” I give him a look that readsisn’t it.“It’s not a derogatory word. Did I offend you? Because I’m sorry, ma’am, I didn’t mean to.”

Why does he have to have the sexiest voice? Why does he have to be so gorgeous and forbidden? He’s the minister. This is all new territory for me and, quite frankly, I’m not enjoying it.

“Whatever. Can I help you, sir?”

“I wanted to clear the air. Get all the awkwardness out of the way.”

“Were you a minister when we…”

“No. It wasn’t even a path I was planning to pursue. You should know, you’re the only person I’d…”

“You were a virgin?” I whisper hiss.

“No, no, no. I just meant that I don’t—or never have—I mean—a one night stand isn’t something I’d ever done before.”

I was about to say I’d be thoroughly impressed had he been a virgin. He sure seemed to know what he was doing. I find comfort in knowing that wasn’t his typical routine. “Same. You were my first one-night stand. And last.”

“Same here.”



“So was it after me you found God?” He releases a full belly laugh. “What? I’m genuinely curious if I made you turn to religion…see the light…want to walk on a path of righteousness…become a better man… Did I make you see God?”

“As earth shattering as that night was?—”

“Earth shattering? I really rocked your world.”

“Yet you remain so humble. It’s truly inspiring.”

“I aim to be an inspiration to all.”

“But what I was going to say, before singingyour praises, was that I grew up in a Christian household. You do know I’m a preacher’s son?”