“You have a beautiful voice,” J.D. compliments me. “Ever think about helping me out in the church choir?”
“Uh nope.” This isn’t the first time I’ve been approached about singing in the choir. Mimi has been trying to get me to every summer and ever since I’ve moved in with her. The idea of standing in front of the church with all eyes on me makes me break out in hives. It’s already uncomfortable attending as it is, especially with J.D. being there. Seeing an ex-boyfriend is weird, especially if you’ve been intimate. Having one of your past lovers now giving a sermon is beyond awkward.
“What? Why not? You’re there anyway and you know you’re talented. Can’t be nerves. You sing karaoke.”
“Oh it’s nerves all right. Not for fear of my angelic voice. Also, karaoke people are drinking. Here they’re stone cold sober and judging.”
“Nobody is judging. Have you ever thoughtyou’rejudging? You’re being prejudice.”
“You. You’re as guilty as they are. Or as guilty as you think they are.”
He quirks a brow at me but then focuses back on driving. I wonder if he knows how attractive he is. Looking at him, I’d never guess minister. I wouldn’t even guess juvenile officer. Military—yes. Air force—no. He’s too rugged and muscular for any of those titles. John David Brewster looks like he could be living off the grid somewhere, or chopping giant trees down one handed. Yet he has the kindest blue eyes. And a smile thattransforms his face to heartbreakingly handsome. I’ve never wanted to ravage a man so much in my life.
“Stop looking at me like that.” He doesn’t even turn his eyes to me. I didn’t realize he noticed that I was blatantly staring at him. “Wipe the drool from your chin.”
“There isn’t drool on my chin.” I turn in my seat and subtly bring my fingers up to touch my face to double check. There might’ve been a tiny bit of drool. I clear my throat. “Aren’t we dating now? Can’t a girl look at her boyfriend.”
“Not like that. Not when he’s trying to be good and respectful.”
My eyes widen and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. “If you mean what I think you’re meaning, I’d be open to a little disrespect.”
His knuckles turn white on the steering wheel. “I won’t deny that I want to, but I’m not giving in.”
“I wouldn’t deny you if did give in.” I should be trying to play a little hard to get, but he’s gotten me before and it’s been three years and I’m still dreaming about it.
J.D. bites back a laugh and shakes his head slightly. “Trouble. You are trouble. My deepest desire right now is to have a repeat of that night, but unlike that time, I don’t want it to be a one-night rendezvous. I want a future together.”
“You want a future with me?”
“Yeah. You said you wanted to carve a permanent place in Magnolia Grove. I want that as well. Maybe we can do it together.”
“Just so we’re clear, you’re talking about marriage.”
I’d have to think long and hard how I’d feel about being the preacher’s wife. I rather enjoyed being a backsliding Christian. We all are supposed to lead by example, but when you’re head of the church it’s taken a little more seriously. I couldn’t evenstomach sitting in the choir. This would also mean no more skipping Sundays to sleep in.
“Not right away, but yes. I’ll be honest. I never stopped thinking about you. Three years and you still don’t forget about a person, that’s gotta say something.”
“True. It was a monumental night. I mean—you decided to become a minister afterward. You discovered God that night.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” J.D. huffs. “And if anyone did it was you. You’re the one who kept calling out His name.” His voice turns a little cocky as he smoothly says, “Even then, I was leading you in worship.”
Touché. A laugh bubbles out of me. Our banter and conversation always come easy for us. Everything is easy. Almost too easy. There’s a little bit of an unorthodox beginning, and the future is questionable on lifestyle adjustments. A part of me is still too scared to breath hope into the idea this could lead to a happy ending. Also, who brings up marriage on the first date?
Chapter Eleven
John David
The book of Corinthians tells us that God will provide us a way out of temptation, and He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle. Well it was close yesterday. It. Was. Close. There’s also a part in there about running from anything or anyone that stimulates lusts.
Speaking of running. Honey ran away from Magnolia Grove when she decided to get married. Then she came running back after her divorce. A lot of running. I don’t know the guy she married or why they separated. I want to know, but I won’t engage in gossip; I want her to be the one to tell me. She never speaks about her ex-husband. All night the questions kept going through my mind. Never any answers. Only more questions.
By the time my alarm goes off, I’m exhausted. I didn’t sleep hardly any. The Bible tells us to have patience, not to worry, to be still and know Him. And I’m trying to do that. A part of me wonders if I shouldn’t be still and wait because here she is. I’m building bridges with the people, I want to build a bridge that closes the gap between me and Honey. I’m trying to lay the groundwork for a future in Magnolia Grove, and I see her. I’m in love with a woman I barely know yet I’ve obsessed over for years.It’s abundantly clear to me that’s insane. The responsible thing to do would to be to get to know her before bringing up marriage on the first date. But again, it’s been three years of me begging to have this woman in my life. Maybe the responsible thing to do is not waste precious time and let her know upfront that I intend to marry her so I never have to go another three years without her. For the first time in my life, the pieces are finally fitting. Everything is falling into place. The only missing piece is Harper “Honey” Beaumont. As crazy as it sounds, I know she’s the one for me. She’s it. She’s the one. I can easily see a future for us here in Magnolia Grove.
Honey Beaumont is full of good humor and kindness. She gives everyone she meets a friendly smile, even the ones who judge her. Her tough girl act is adorable. She’s strong, but there’s not a mean streak in her gorgeous body. I admire how she manages to make every moment filled with happiness. And she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it. She’s naturally fun. I love her heart. I want to have a piece of it.