Cash pulls against his leash, then sits to bite it, gets tangled, then runs forward, trips over it, pulls, and repeats. Eventually Honey picks him up and carries him the rest of the walk. She smiles over at me, and I about trip over my own feet. I was worse than the puppy. Any man with a pulse would be whenever Honey tossed one of her carefree smiles your way. My phone rings and a part of me wants to ignore it. However, between the juvenile office and church, it could be important. Both jobs require me to always be available. Giving Honey an apologetic look, I pull my phone out and swipe the screen.
Chapter Twelve
J.D. apologizes for leaving me as he tells me he has to go to the police station immediately. He doesn’t give me any other information, but it sounds urgent. Cash barks as we watch him take off in a hard run back the way we came. He doesn’t have to run far because a police cruiser pulls up and picks him up.
“I wonder what that was all about?” I ask Cash. He licks my neck and I groan. “You little two-timer. I saw you giving all my kisses away earlier. Those are mommy’s kisses. Unless… Do you think J.D. is your daddy? Do you want him to be your daddy?” I snicker to myself and place Cash back on the ground. I’ve learned Cash isn’t a fan of walking on the leash. He will, however, jog on the leash. We take off in a jog down the road. I wave to various folks while some I pretend not to see.
It's around midnight when I hear knocking at the front door. Mimi and Pepaw meet me in the hallway. “What’s going on?” Pepaw asks.
“I’ll check.”
My pepaw hardly ever gives me a harsh look, but the idea of me going instead of him is clearly a hard no. “Nonsense. I’m not going to let you answer the door at this hour.”
It’s Magnolia Grove. However I know right now the most dangerous situation is right here in this room. I’m not about to offend my mimi and pepaw. I follow him at a respectable distance to the door. On the other side is J.D. with blood shot eyes and disheveled hair.
“Pastor John David?” Pepaw asks in a groggy voice that’s filled with confusion.
“Sir. Please accept my apology.”
“You mean for showing up on my from porch at this ungodly hour?”
“Yes. Might I be able to speak to your daughter, sir?” he asks in a shaky voice.
Pepaw narrows his eyes. “You on drugs, son?”
“If only it were that simple.” J.D. sighs.
“What?” Pepaw shrieks.
I put myself between them and turn to J.D. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s James.” The pain in his voice cuts through my sleepy haze. I’m wide awake. “Anywhere we can talk. In private.”
I take his hand and drag him past my grandparents’ concerned faces and on to my bedroom. We sit on the edge of my bed. J.D. rubs his hands down his face. His eyes water and the sight breaks my heart. The pain in his voice is raw. “James was taken to the hospital. A family member didn’t want him leaving. Even though it’s what’s best for him. They can’t provide for him.”
I don’t speak. I let him take his time, gather his thoughts, and talk to me when he’s ready. “I felt so helpless. The only other time I’ve felt this type of fear was in the Air Force.” There’s sadness in his eyes, but worse, a deep, haunted look.
“I didn’t know. I should’ve gotten to know him better and then I’d have known he could be in danger. I—I had no idea that his family could be capable… He’s a kid.”
My heart hurt immensely for James and J.D. It’s hard for me to swallow, but somehow I manage. I wet my lips and askhim the question that has my heart in an excruciating grip. “Is James… ”
I can’t even finish the question. J.D. sniffles and shakes his head. “He’s going to be—he’s going to live. He won’t be okay. How could he? The betrayal. That was someone he trusted. Someone who should’ve loved him. Protected him and wanted better for him. How can he ever trust?”
Betrayal and losing trust. I know all about those too well. There’s no words of comfort that come to mind. I’ve never been one to console others. Despite my grandparents being incredibly comforting individuals, their daughter—my mother—didn’t get that gene. She wasn’t as affectionate as my grandparents. Never cruel or cold. She was awkward. Like me. What would Mimi do? I wrap my arms around J.D. and guide him to place his head in my lap. His hair is soft as it falls through my fingers.
“Be gentle with yourself. Isn’t that what you tell everyone?” His head goes up and down in my lap. “Then practice what you preach.” Without thinking about it, I lean down and place a kiss on his temple.
He didn’t say anything, and neither did I. After a few minutes I noticed the sound of his breathing was slightly louder, but steady. His arms were still wrapped around my legs but a little more loosely. I look down to see J.D. had fallen asleep in my arms and on my lap. A strand of hair had fallen over his face so I gently placed it behind his ear.
The man is massive and every bit of him is full of heart. He cares so deeply. A lone tear falls down my cheek. I pull him closer to me. More tears burn the back of my eyelids. I hate crying. Damnit these tears. I hadn’t realized I’d gotten so emotional. He came to me when he was hurting. Me? He sought me out. I try to reign it in, but seeing him be so vulnerable, the way he loved so fiercely for someone he’d only recently gotten toknow, and to hear about poor James, it all found the spot in me that I’d patched up and hidden broke through it.
J.D. is the type of partner who you can trust. Confess your fears to. He’s the type of person who you can share a secret with…which we’re already doing. But can I share all my secrets with him? Doesn’t love mean you can whisper all your secrets to them? Do I love John David Brewster?
I lean down and whisper in his ear, “I have a secret.” I lick my lips and then in a barely audible voice, I say, “I love you.”
Gently I slide out from under him. I lift his legs up and onto the bed. Before I place the covers over him, I remove his shoes. I place another kiss on his temple and then sigh.