Page 97 of Surge

“Only two cars left, plus the operation car,” he subvocalized before entering the juncture. “We’re going to make contact soon.”

“Not soon—now,” Delaney said, indicating to Surge.

He frowned at her, but then saw the maligator had locked onto the next door, staring through it as though he had X-ray vision. The muscles in his body rippled, and his hackles rose. A low rumble sent chills up Garrett’s back.

Garrett met Zim’s gaze and gave a firm nod, which the guy returned. “Once in and clear, stay close, Rogue.”

“I trust you.”

He twitched his gaze to hers, appreciating that but also well aware that her life and Surge’s were on his shoulders. Just like Djibouti. Like Samwise. And Tsunami.

God, have mercy!

Stress pinched the nerve at the base of his neck. She stared at the door, knowing this was it. Surge had a hit, so there were either unfriendlies on the other side or the chems. Maybe both. Which meant they’d face opposition.

“Trust God.” Delaney’s whispered words skated down his neck.

He shifted and saw her face very close, appreciated her confident nod. Wasn’t sure how he felt about her throwing his own words back at him, but she was right. Bouncing a nod, he angled to the front. Hit the release button and eased open the door.

Ping! Ping! Crack!

Garrett jerked back and threw himself to the side. “Contact! Down!”

They huddled there, and he eyed Zim and Delaney. “New plan,” he hissed. “Tariq is by the far door. I’ll go in and lay down suppressive fire. Rogue, stay with me. We’ll go right with Surge, and you can take cover when needed. Zim, work your way toward Tariq on the left.”

“Copy that,” Zim said, his hand firming around his weapon. “I want Tariq.”

And Garrett wanted Hakim, the man who’d taken on his evil father’s goals . . . Fahmi Ansari, who’d killed himself to take out Samwise and Tsunami. Garrett gave his partner a curt nod. Rather than being paralyzed by fear, he’d use determination to drive him.

Repositioned to insert, they stacked at the door, this time with Zim flanking it. He held up his fingers. Three . . . two . . .

Zim hit the access panel and flicked open the door.

Submachine gun tucked into his shoulder, Garrett squeezed off rounds, advancing to the corner of the container. Though Tariq fired off a couple of rounds, he was forced to take cover as well. A double pat came to his shoulder, and Garrett jerked back and pressed his spine to the containers. Switched to the other side and did a quick look-see. Clear. In a crouch-run, he moved, noting the way Delaney was on her hands and knees, drawing Surge into a low crawl. The dog slunk along with them. Hakim had to be somewhere.

“Apna hathyaar pheink do, Amrici!” Tariq yelled in Urdu.

“Drop your weapon!” Zim yelled at the same time, closing in on him.

The mad scientist took a crack shot at Zim, but the operator ducked out of sight, then swung out and fired a short burst as he moved.

Garrett seized the confrontation to gain the front of the car. He peered around the corner and muttered an oath. A container stood between him and Tariq, who was in a standoff with Zim. “No line of sight,” he subvocalized to Zim.

Where on earth was Hakim?

A light shift beyond the last sealed juncture between this car and the operator’s cabin drew Garrett’s attention. Had to be Hakim. He drew up his weapon, knowing Tariq was occupied staving off Zim, and advanced to the door. Accessed it and stepped in?—

A blur rushed at him.

Awareness of Delaney with him flared through Garrett. He shifted back, blocking access to the juncture. Felt the door whisk shut even as a dagger came at him. He stepped forward, reaching for his Sig as the door between the cars shut out the noise—and the team—behind him.

Hakim lunged with a knife and a feral scream.

Darting toward the man, Garrett deflected his knife hand. Caught Hakim’s wrist while simultaneously sliding his own right hand up and behind the guy’s neck. He gripped it tight and drove it down and around, enabling himself to get the guy’s knife hand twisted up behind?—

With a roar, Hakim dropped hard and released the weapon, then drove upward with a violent thrust, breaking Garrett’s lock. He shoved Garrett backward, driving him into the wall. Garrett skidded around, drawing his Sig.

But Hakim rushed him.