Page 46 of Surge

They sprinted down to the SUV loaded with evidence and climbed in. “Eagle Three,” he said to Caldwell, “get me tied into Surge’s tracker.”

“Already on it.”

Garrett whipped out, wanting to reach through the comms and make it happen.

“Here we go,” Caldwell said. “Fastest route is second right, then west for a klick.”

Garrett gunned it, heart racing.

A few moments later, Caldwell came back on the comms. “Okay, I’ve researched the Grab—she’s in a—whoa, left turn ahead. Seventy meters, bank right onto Tanglin Road and head south for two klicks.”

“Copy!” Garrett gritted his teeth. “I’m going to kill her.”

Zim side-eyed him.

“Well, she did give you the way to find her, and if she hadn’t tracked them?—”

“Intel, Caldwell. I don’t need your therapy sessions.”

“Apparently you do.” The spook snickered, then cleared his throat. “Grab shows this rideshare is a metallic blue Hyundai sedan. Annnd from what I can tell from the satellite relay I’m hijacking—shh, don’t tell—she does look to be following a semi a couple blocks ahead.”

“Semi info,” Garrett demanded.

“Unlabeled. No plates, but when you hit Alexandra Road and head east, you won’t be far behind them.”

What was Rogue doing? “Find her! Facial recognition on the driver.”

“You’re less than a klick from her. Traveling east now. Fast.”

Garrett scowled. “You’re overwatch—how did you miss that she left the site?”

“Same as you, I guess,” Caldwell threw back.

He zipped around a gray sedan. “I’m not seeing her.”

But then a burst of blue in the array of drab vehicles caught his attention.

Delaney was in over her head.



The Hyundai’stires squealed around a corner, following the silver semi.

Holding tight as the car careened into traffic, Delaney thanked God the metal box shipping containers bearing the Sachaai S weren’t volatile unless mixed. But also—let’s not mix them.She slid into the car door, and Surge nearly ended up in her lap. She put her arm around him to keep him steady. A keen awareness hit her—they were heading away from downtown and the shoe factory. Farther from Garrett.

“Where are they going?” the Grab driver asked, gaze bouncing to the mirror.

“Not sure.”

“You don’t know where your boyfriend’s going?”

“I . . .” She eyed him, then saw beyond him as the semi was turning, grateful she wouldn’t have to answer his question. “They’re turning!”

“Chen Street. Got it. I’ll catch up to them.” He hit the gas hard. “I’m Torrence.”

“Hi, Torrence. Delaney.” Surge whined a little as he laid his head in her lap.