The kid was—thankfully—driving like crazy trying to catch up with the semi, which was headed for Hakim.
She clutched the grab handle with her right hand, and with her other, she rubbed between Surge’s shoulders, where his tracker was inserted.
Her breath hitched as her phone blinked.
Network issue. Text message not delivered.
She hit send again.
The same network issue message came down.
God, please get Garrett to us. Fast. And don’t let him kill me.
No “if” or “make him come” to her prayer, because she didn’thopethat Garrett would follow—shetrustedhe already was.
* * *
“Two floors of shoe production,” Garrett commented to Zim as they stood at the stairwell, looking back at the pallets of shoeboxes lining the walls and rows of sewing machines in the center that they’d already swept.
“One more floor. Let’s see more empty shoe factory,” Zim said.
He lifted his Sig and climbed the stairs, his thoughts bouncing to the MWD team. Had it been fifteen mikes yet?
Zim whistled low when they reached the third level. “We got a chem lab to sweep, Boss.”
Garrett took a left as they stole around the room, meeting in the middle. Clear, thank God. “Confirm.” If they’d found someone in this stainless steel chemistry wonderland, it would’ve gotten complicated.
As he looked at the microscopes, Bunsen burners, deep metal sinks, three tall tables and stools, computers, refrigeration, Zim practically drooled.
This lab was a few levels up from his high school chemistry class. A lot of levels up. He keyed his comms. “Cerberus One, return to base.”
No answer.
“Eagle Actual to Cerberus One. Come in.”
“Boss. You need to see this.”
Nerves tight, Garrett joined Zim at the fridge with the glass door. His eyes blinked fast. Dangerous was an understatement. Then he caught sight of the pile of folders on the desk next to the fridge. Thumbed through them. “Big names here. And this is one high-end computer.”
Zim joined him. “No kidding. Fahmi Ansari—Hakim’s dad.”
“We definitely need to take a look at these and the computer. They’ll lead us to them.”
“We’re only stopping the chemical weapon. Not the Sachaai people.”
Garrett’s jaw jerked. He longed for justice for Samwise. But without official support from the government and local authorities, their hands were tied. They had to stay within the scope of this op.
He closed his eyes, then opened them again. He knew what his mission was. The people the chemicals were meant to poison. “Take the computer. We’ll get it back to Caldwell to do his thing on it.” His shoulders wanted to rise up by his ears, but he kept them down. “Still haven’t heard from Delaney.”
Zim play-punched him in the arm. “Maybe she’s already on her way up.”
He stepped over to the table in front of the window and looked down into the park across the street from this lab, shoe factory, warehouse place.
His phone buzzed. He glanced at the message and his curse seared the air.
Eyes wide, Zim glanced up.
“She’s in a rideshare tracking a truck she spotted. Said it’s Sachaai.” He started for the door. “Grab the computer. Let’s go!”