Page 94 of Fury

She gripped his shirt. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me. Everyone I love always does . . . ”

He smirked. “I’m not hurt . . . ”

Bennion groaned loudly. “I can change that.”

“Shut up.” Davis grinned as he guided her into the narrow corridor. A tall, thin window gave them light. “We’ll talk more later—what do you know? What sent you up this maintenance passage?”

Gnawing her lip for a moment, Hollyn hesitated. Her brows knotted, her eyes again watering.

“Trust me, Holly Hobbie.”

“Not fair, using that nickname.”

“Wasn’t meant to be.”

She shuddered a sigh. “The roof. I think that’s where she is.”

The rest of the team needed to get out of the hotel vicinity. “Why the roof? Only exfil would be a chopper, and if they struck the hotel with the dignitaries, the smoke would inhibit visibility.”

“She’s hosting a demonstration of the drone-guided missile. She said the buyers were waiting. That means showing proof. Best place for that is?—”

“The roof.” He struggled to breathe. “You really think she’d do it right here?”

“She’s cocky,” Hollyn said. “She was shocked we figured out where she was operating. And she thinks I’m tied up and with Archie, so I’m guessing she wouldn’t think she needs a backup or exit strategy. She left me in the room with the intention of returning to kill me.”

Davis tensed. “How do you know that?”

Hollyn shrugged, her lower lip trembling. “No loose ends, she said.”

“I’ll be very happy to send Fury after her.” As he keyed his mic, he glanced at Benn and Glace, who looked both relieved to have intel and frustrated that Hollyn hadn’t shared the intel when they’d asked. “Base, this is Actual.”

“Go ahead, Actual,” Chapel replied.

“Evacuate the hotel.”

“Say again?—”

“New threat targeting the hotel with a drone-guided missile. Known terrorist is Leila Pierce.”

“Thought we were hunting Archi?—”

“Complicit minion. Recommend immediate evac of the building.”

A curse sailed through the comms as Davis made a signal for Two and Three to get moving. “We will hunt down and interdict. We could use some eyes in the sky.”

“Actual, this is Blank. Eagle heading your way.”

Benn peered out the wall of dark windows. “Looks like we’ve got company. Paw Patrol on-site. Heading into the building.”

He nodded to Davis and Glace, and they were on the move. “Stairs only,” he said.

“Looks like I’m about to get my steps in,” Glace said with a winsome smirk.

Benn frowned.

“Twenty-six flights . . . minus three,” she explained.

“Lady,” he said to Hollyn. “Next time, can’t you try to escape using an elevator?” The big guy huffed and cocked his head. “Twenty-three floors of fish-in-a-barrel.” He stretched his neck. “Fun times, here we come.”