Page 72 of Fury

Davis balled a fist. Cursed and turned to Nazari. “Let’s go.” While Fury paced the opening of the room, he knelt beside the chair supporting Archie and hooked the twerp’s arm around his neck. His buddy did the same. Together, they hoisted him up.

“Hold up.” He slid out his phone in the front room. Quickly took video of everything in the office. If there was any useful intel, he’d have a record of it. “Okay.” He glanced down at Fury. “Fuss.”

The RMWD snapped into position, and they hurried back the way they’d entered the building. Side-shuffled through the door into the deafening cacophony of war blanketing the night. Outside, the firefight was near deafening.

Shots flared against the night as they ran toward the rest of the team.

“Come on!” Chapel yelled. “Blank’s about to bring the place down!”

Davis bit back a curse. Nodded to Nazari, and they hustled it toward the rest of the team. “Move move move!” Chapel took point while the rest of the team queued up at the rear so Davis and Nazari wouldn’t get shot in the back hauling Archie away from the building. Legs aching, back pinching, Davis ran as fast as possible, each punishing step feeling too slow against a raging fireball.

One klick out, Chapel keyed his mic. “Blank! Drop it.”

The familiar sound of the incoming suicide UAV neared. Blanchard guided the remote aircraft loaded with C4 overhead and into the side of the building at their distant six. The eruption shook the ground.


The concussion punched Davis in the back. He stumbled. Caught himself and shoved forward alongside Nazari. Gripping Archie’s wrist, he hiked the guy’s weight higher for a better hold and did his best not to faceplant and kill them all. Pain tightened his shoulder.

Archie sagged against them, weak. His feet dragged as they hauled him to safety. At his side, Fury gave a low whine—not liking the tension in the air, apparently.

Me either, buddy.

An intense wave of heat and debris lunged toward him and the team. A massive plume of wind obliterated the structure. Light from the fire lit their path. Screams of those unfortunate to be caught in the blast mixed with the creaks and groans of bending metal. Several chunks of shrapnel pierced the ground nearby.

Gritting his teeth, sweat sliding free of his helmet and down his temple, Davis pushed his body to the limit. Didn’t slow. Didn’t stop. Didn’t look back.

The slow creep of dawn forced itself into the black night as the team reached the relative security of the safe house. Each step made his calves and back scream. His legs trembled as he climbed the steps. He and Nazari delivered Archie to the couch, and the guy slumped against the cushions, breathing hard. As ifhe’djust hoofed it five klicks in full tac gear carrying a hundred-and-thirty-pound sack of potatoes. Sweat beaded his forehead, pain written all over his face.


“Archie!” Hollyn rushed in from the command room, and trailing her—Hale.

Davis caught her before she could reach her friend. “Wait,” he cautioned. “Let Glace look him over first.”

“And you?” Her eyes searched his, voice quiet. “Are you okay?”

He nodded. Man, her concern for him felt good. “I’m fine.”

She nodded while Glace strode over with her kit and got to work. The rest of the team subconsciously formed a half circle around the combat medic. If Archie so much as sneezed in her direction, he’d regret it.

Davis turned to his four-legged partner and ran his hands over the furry spine, hind legs, and forelegs. Verified there weren’t injuries he’d missed. “Did good, buddy.” He hiked back and tossed a KONG in the air. The landshark snatched it. Trotted to a corner of the room and plopped down with a huff to chew on the toy.

“I’m going to reset your finger,” Glace said to Archie.

Grimacing, Archie nodded.

Hollyn pressed a hand over her mouth, flinching when her friend grunted in pain.

At her side, Davis removed his brain bowl, then laced his fingers with Hollyn’s. Ran his thumb back and forth over hers while Glace splinted Archie.

The twerp smirked at Hollyn—something that irritated Davis to no end. “Hey, Hol.”

“What happened?” she asked.

“That’s what we’re going to get to the bottom of,” Chapel stepped in. “Benn, Macklin, take him to the hold.”

“Thehold?” Hollyn stepped forward. “Clearly he’s not who you’re looking for!”