“Oh, sorry.” She considered him with concern. “I just assumed . . . Where’s your unit?”
Gone. Along with the career he’d tanked.
“I’m not in the Army anymore.” Davis bounced his knee. “I was medically retired.”
“What happened? I know the military was all you wanted to do.”
The innocent statement was salt in a wound that would never close. “A mission went south. I was at fault.” So much for instilling confidence in his ability to protect her. “A good buddy of mine . . . died.” No reason to get into specifics. Couldn’t anyway. “I was injured. My shoulder didn’t heal to a level that satisfied the medical board, so they retired me. Sent me packing.”
“Davis,” Hollyn whispered.
Yep. That right there was the exact reason he’d avoided talking about this in the first place. Pity. Shouldn’t have gone back on his decision.
“I got the call about your parents a few hours after I formally separated from the military. Fury and I jumped on the first flight we could.”
“I’m so sorry, Davis.”
Fury demanded he throw the toy again. He tried to fake the shepherd out, but it didn’t work. Only succeeded in nearly getting himself bit. He chucked the KONG.
“But . . . I don’t understand,” Hollyn went on. “If you’re out, how is Fury with you? He was in the military too, right? And he doesn’t seem old enough to be retired.”
“We both got injured on the op, but when they tried to put Fury back to work, it didn’t go over well.”
Deep red and orange leached from the sky as darkness began to press in.
Fury panted happily. Tried to get Davis to throw his toy for the seventy-fifth time.
“He was on a one-way train to the Rainbow Bridge when someone suggested I take him. So I made arrangements with a buddy who procures dogs for A Breed Apart in Texas. We’re heading that way after things are wrapped up here.”
“Oh.” The word was small. “So, as soon as this is over, you’re leaving?”
Mayday! There was a bite to the words he hadn’t seen coming.
“Whoa, that’s not what I?—”
“No, I get it.” She was on her feet in the next instant. “I mean, why would you stay? There’s nothing here for you, right?”
Hold up. When had this turned into an argument and he the bad guy? “Hollyn?—”
“Ledger.” Hale stepped outside. Nodded Davis inside. “Germaine’s coming to.”
“Got it.” Davis stood, glanced to Hollyn, not wanting to leave her and this convo in such a bad state.
“What’s going on?” Hollyn asked quietly as they all started back into the building.
He looked down at her. The argument had apparently been forgotten already. Worry replaced it. “Germaine’s waking up. We’re giving him an opportunity to escape and we’ll follow him. Should lead us to Archie.”
Hale turned back to them as he walked. “I’ll hold back here with her. The rest of you are with Chapel.”
“Copy.” Davis banked left into his room. Slid Fury’s vest on, then started gearing up. Hollyn followed.
She slowly sank onto the bed. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“It’s the fastest way to find the—your friend.” Probably shouldn’t call the guy a twerp, considering the situation. Didn’t want to start up another beef between them.
She was quiet long enough that he paused. Her bottom lip was tucked into her mouth, and he could see worry darkening her features.