Her head whipped forward from the impact. Airbags deployed and hit her with brute force. Her ears rang, head throbbing as she flailed against the bags.
Adrenaline continued pulsing in her veins, but she could feel herself fading.
“Davis,” she heard herself moan. Where was he?
Hollyn’s vision swam and she slumped forward as consciousness teetered toward darkness.
A whole newlevel of terror seized Davis when he saw more than just the dirt road ahead.
Hollyn’s BMW.
Crunched into an embankment, resting precariously in a grove of bushes just this side of falling into the ocean. Smoke billowed from the hood of the car.
Haunting memories of an equally smoky car in A-stan flashed across his mind. Of unseeing eyes. Bloodied faces. Shouting voices.
Singed fur and the acrid scent of burning gas hit his nose like no time had passed.
Davis’s stomach pitched. Sound hollowed. Vision tunneled.
If he’d failed to protect her . . .
Let me be in time.
“Sir,” the emergency operator prompted from the other end of speaker phone. “Are you still there? Police and ambulance en route.”
Davis blinked. Shifted down as he approached. “I’m on scene. From what I can see, it’s a single-vehicle crash.” He rattled off the coordinates listed on the GPS. Slammed on the brakes. Shut down the Chevelle. “Checking on the driver.”
He launched himself out of the driver’s seat without a second thought.
Fury followed closely through the open door.
“Hollyn!” Davis raced toward her vehicle, but a plume of smoke billowed out, pushing him back a step.
In the distance, emergency sirens howled their response.
A figure stumbled through the smoke, hand on their head. Slunk his direction.
Instinctively, his hand swung to the SIG at his stomach. Drew down. Then recognition flared.
“Hollyn.” Thank God! Davis holstered his weapon inside his waistband. He’d never been more grateful to see anyone in his life.
Fury shot past her in favor of searching the car as he shifted closer, assessing her physical condition. “You hurt?”
She neared. Grabbed his arm.
There was blood spatter on her shirt. Looked like it was dripping from her nose. That was concerning. He felt her head. Arms. Ribs. She didn’t flinch, but that didn’t mean much right now. Adrenaline was an expert at masking serious issues.
Hollyn squinted up at him, then shook her head. “No . . . I don’t think so.” She wiped at the trailing liquid with the back of her hand. Groaned. She swayed forward.
Davis’s hands shot out to steady her. Where was the freaking ambulance? “What happened?”
Hollyn pinched the bridge of her nose. Winced. Her hand shook violently. Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I . . . I . . . ” She was looking around, eyes wild.
Davis felt her head again, afraid he’d missed something. Concussion was at the forefront of his thoughts. “Do you remember losing consciousness?”