Page 10 of Fury

“He’s the best electronic detection dog I’ve ever seen.” Davis frowned at the German shepherd. “Also an incredible landshark. His grips are solid.”

“Doesn’t matter if he won’t work for anyone.”

“He’ll work.”

The kennel master motioned to Davis. Without another thought, he strode toward his former partner.

When Fury saw him, he acted like a switch had been thrown. Instant calm and focus. Panting as he watched Davis.

“He’s all yours.” The kennel master handed off the lead and a roped KONG. Thankfully, Fury had already been dispo’d for retirement, and Davis had signed the papers taking ownership of him. All with the understanding that ABA would take the thick-skulled shepherd. He tucked the toy in his pocket.

Fury heeled without being asked to. Knew where he was supposed to be.

Why won’t you do that for anyone else?

“Ready to work?”

Ridiculous question. These dogs were always ready to work. Least, until life beat it out of them. Just like their human counterparts.

Flashbacks of that night shot through Davis’s head. He muscled them back.

He just had to do this one more time. Prove Fury would work.

He gave the signal for the decoy to come out. The guy waddled toward the middle of the field in a full bite suit.

As soon as he saw the guy, Fury was all bark. Gripping the tac vest, Davis straddled the RMWD, who surged. Begged to be freed.

“Ready?” he asked the decoy.

“Yup,” the soldier said with a grin. He waved one of his padded arms, taunting Fury. Shifted to the side to receive the bite. Being a decoy was more than just standing there while a dog flung itself at you. It took a lot of training to ensure the safety of both human and RMWD.

Davis unclipped the lead. “Get ’im.” He released his hold on the canvas handle.

Fury took off like a bullet. He shot through the steps like the pro he was. They moved through several other demonstrations with ease. Maintaining guard position. Searching for an enemy. Detecting explosives, hard drives, USBs.

If only he’d behave himself this well for other handlers.

After Fury completed the last exercise, Davis tossed the KONG out, keeping hold of the rope.

The shepherd snagged it from the air effortlessly before he was lured into a game of tug.

“Good boy.” Davis ruffled Fury’s ears instinctively, and the landshark leaned against his leg. His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, around the KONG he refused to surrender.

They walked over to Crew.


“Cleared on his last exam two days ago,” Davis confirmed, rapping a hand against Fury’s side a few times.

Crew watched Fury for a while.

“What’d ya think?”

“We’ll take him. On one condition.”

Relief chugged through his veins, confident they could work out any terms ABA might have. “Which is?”

“If he refuses to work with any of my handlers, you step in.” Crew’s expression dared him to challenge.