Davis worked to keep his expression neutral. Wasn’t the first time a hostage had tried to lie their way out of things. But the twerp flashed to mind. Davis ran through the series of events back on Zahda Island. Did they have this wrong? The getaway van. Had that been Archie saving himself and Germaine taking the fall? Not a hostage extraction like they’d thought? That kid had never sat right with Davis. Maybe this was the reason why.
In the surveillance monitor attached to the wall behind Germaine, Davis could see Chapel approaching. Turned to Macklin. “Taking five.”
Davis stepped into the hall with his partner. Heard the music restart before Macklin stepped into the hallway but gave Davis space. “Got a second?” Davis asked their CO.
Chapel nodded. “Sure.”
They turned. Walked back the way he’d come.
“Any luck tracing the IP address?” Davis asked.
“None. It’s a dead end.”
“Germaine’s claiming he isn’t the one we’re looking for.” Davis unclipped Fury’s lead.
Chapel grunted. “Not the first time we’ve heard that.”
“I’m aware.” Davis took a breath. This was either going to be the right call or the dumbest thing he’d ever suggested to a CO. “Look. We’ve already been at this three days. Time isn’t on our side.” Here went nothing. “I think we should let him go.”
Chapel drew up short. Pinned him with a hard look. “Not really in the business of releasing known arms dealers, Ledger.”
AKA: stand down.
But Davis wasn’t one to back down when he had a dog in the fight—literally. “If we let him think he’s pulled one over on us by escaping, Fury can track him. Germaine will lead us exactly where we need to be.”
At the mention of his name, the RMWD wagged his tail.
“Everything we’ve got leads to him.”
“I’m not questioning he’s your man. All I’m suggesting is, if there’s a chance someone else is behind this, we find out.”
Chapel eyed him. “And if your plan goes south? You gonna tell the families of his victims that we just let him walk?”
Davis believed in this plan. “We’ll have eyes on him the whole time. Fury hasn’t failed a mission yet.”Davismight have, but the lug never had. “What if Germaineisa cover for him? If he’s our guy, we can’t leave him in the wind. Either way, we need him, and Germaine’s the fastest route.”
Taking a deep breath, Davis waited for a dressing-down. He wasn’t even part of this team, technically. They’d been tracking Germaine far longer than he had. The stakes were high.
“I hear you. And agree.” Chapel didn’t look happy. Then again, he usually didn’t. “But if Germaine gives us the slip, then the blame rests onyou.”
Davis knew the operator would make good on that. “Understood.”
“Get ready to move.”
With a nod, Davis strode to the room his things were in.
From the bed, Fury watched him prep their gear.
“You ready to work your tracking magic?” Davis asked the RMWD. “It’s all on us.”
Fury barked. He was ready for whatever came, no doubt.
Davis ruffed the dog’s head. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to insult you.”
The shepherd slicked his warm tongue over Davis’s hand.
Remember, this isn’t forever.
The clock was counting down on their time together. Davis cleared his throat. He’d have to keep himself in check. Working with the lug was starting to feel too natural. Too effortless. “Come on.” He stood and tapped his leg. They needed to find Hollyn.