Verian had been busy fordays. It was a struggle to even get a message to him, despite the willingness of the servants to do as Vita said. And Renatus? Well, the High Consul was nowhere to be seen.

He’s busywas the excuse she knew she’d get if she bothered to ask. Locked up in his bedroom, or study, or who knows where else while she sat around, wondering what was going on in his head.

Oh, he would drive her to madness.

Every moment he stayed away made it more clear in her mind. She was a replacement.

And not even one that he seemed to particularly enjoy.

She looked like his lost love, hisTullia, and there was nothing more. Even the blood bond was fading, just a whisper of a pull tugging at her chest anytime she walked past his room or office.

Vita sat in the parlor with Aurora and Petran, the same as she had done every night since the one Renatus had watched them. A glass of wine dangled from her fingers, forgotten, as Petran played with her hair. He leaned in to kiss her neck, the warmth of his lips sending a shiver up her spine, but she pushed him away.

“Is something wrong, love?”

Aurora quirked a brow from her seat across the room.

Of course they were confused. Vita had been more than willing to partake inactivitieswith the two of them over the past few nights. She’d been missing Verian… and Renatus, despite how much she wished she didn’t.

And beyond seeking comfort, her times with Petran and Aurora were erotic, sensual, more fun than she’d had in a long time. Certainly unlike anything she had ever experienced, the pleasure of two lovers at once. Something she still hoped to try with Verian and Renatus, but the High Consul’s back and forth was wearing on her.

“I’m going to speak with him.” She sat her glass on the side table, turning to the others with a glare.

They glanced at each other, Aurora shaking her head. “I wouldn’t do that…”

“And why not?” Vita’s voice was sharp, her hands settled on her hips.

“He doesn’t like to be bothered when he’s busy, I’ve told you—”

“Renatus can’t always be busy!” she interrupted with a shout.

She may have known little about the workings of city politics, but it was clear he was avoiding her.

“Suit yourself,” Aurora said, turning her attention back to the drawing in her lap, a sketch she’d been working on this evening.

Petran gave Vita a sympathetic smile as she turned on her heel, exiting without another word. She seethed, storming down the hallway with hands curled into fists. She tried to calm her breath as she headed for Renatus’ bedroom, the tiny tug telling her she’d find him there.

She would get answers, an explanation,somethingif it was the last thing she did.

Despite the anger welling in her, she was anxious as she stepped up to his door. Before she could second guess, she rapped her fist against the worn wood.

A few seconds later, she heard a disgruntled, “Come in.”

With a final deep inhale, she heaved the door open, letting it slam shut behind her as she entered his room.

Renatus sat in a comfortable armchair, plush and velvety soft, an ornate book in his hands and a glass of wine next to him. He raised a brow as she stood at the doorway, her heart just about ready to beat out of her chest.

“Well, hello, Vita darling.”

There was irritation in his voice, brows furrowed into a frown. The book slammed shut as he rested it on his legs.

“Good evening, Renatus. I thought you would like some company.”

She waited by the door, unsure of herself after the show of confidence, the hubris that had brought her here.

“You thought wrong. You should know better… I will summon you when I want you. Right now, I have no need of your presence. Go back to your cage where you belong, my pretty little pet.”

Go back to your cage where you belong…