Her vile husband, who was certainly up to something.
With a tap of her quill against the desk, she tried to clear her head, to decide where to take her story next.
THE CROWDED DINING HALL hummed with energy as Verian made his way to a table. Lively conversations and hearty laughs sounded throughout the space, the scent of herbs and cooked meats hanging in the air. He sat down next to Drusus and tucked into his dinner, chicken stew.
Another exhausting and uninspiring day, only broken up by a visit from his best friend.
This was certainly not how Verian imagined he’d be helping people, standing guard at the gate every day as life passed him by. Of course, every small task was important. Guarding the entry to Shadowholde was necessary, but at times it seemed so insignificant. Surely, they could do more for those in the city that needed help?
As his mind wandered, he kept his eyes on his bowl, even after sensing the other man’s stare.
“So, would you be upset if Vita and I—”
Verian shot him a look, daring him to finish the sentence.
Drusus narrowed his eyes, but picked up a spoon and took a bite of stew. They ate in silence for a few moments before he turned back to Verian.
“It’s just that you’ve known her for so long, and still haven’t fucked her.”
The words shot through Verian like an arrow. He jolted from his seat, staring down at Drusus, who just rolled his eyes with a groan.
“Do not speak about Vita that way,” he hissed, his words laced with vitriol.
She was his oldest friend, and he would let no one talk about her like that. He already hated himself for not being able to protect her from her foul employer, fully aware that he did much worse to her than she let on.
“Watch yourself, soldier. Sit back down.”
There was a hush in the room, the normally lively group of guards focusing on the two men as they glowered at each other.
Drusus was technically his superior. He was older and had more experience, had even been a part of the Prefect’s task force occasionally.
“I said,sit down.”
Slowly, Verian returned to his seat, though his eyes did not leave the older guard. The vile way he had spoken of Vita still burned him to his core and as Drusus tucked in to his meal, he continued to stare.
With a huff, Drusus dropped his spoon and looked back at Verian.
“Am I not speaking the truth? I hear the way you pine for her, see it in your eyes when she comes to the city. She’s a beautiful girl, but if you don’t take your chance with her, I will.”
The words hung in the air, and Verian turned to his meal. Drusus wasn’t completely wrong, but did he always have to be so foul about things? Vita was…
Vita was special to him. There was no doubt about that.
They had been friends for quite some time, since the day they first met. Verian had still been in training at the collegium, and Vita was living with the old woman, Mariana.
A small smile pulled at his lips at the memory of the first time he saw her.
It was the Detonalia celebration, the soft glow of torches and candles lighting the central forum of Shadowholde for the winter solstice. He was there with some friends, other young lads from the training collegium. They were idiots back then, throwing snowballs and laughing at all the pretty girls.
Through the gently falling snow, he had locked eyes with her from across the forum. Verian’s breath had caught, his mouth immediately dry at the shining hazel eyes of the girl hanging pinecones on a spruce tree. Her shy smile and reddened cheeks stopped his heart, wild black hair blowing in the icy breeze. He’d jerked his gaze away, hoping she hadn’t noticed his idiotic gawking.
A few moments later, Verian had felt a tap on his shoulder. He twirled around to see the girl standing there right in front of him, giving him a sweet smile. Vita had introduced herself, explaining that she was new to Shadowholde, had just moved in with a woman named Mariana.
Of course, Verian was immediately smitten. How could he not be?