Despite the late hour, there was still plenty of daylight remaining, the sun only just starting to dip noticeably towards the distant mountains. The market would remain open for a few more hours, at least.
The fresh air calmed her, and she tried to push the dark thoughts from her mind. She saw the city gate up ahead, and yes, there he was! Her best friend, andonlyfriend, Verian Corvinus. A city guard, though she knew he hoped to move up the ranks.
Vita took a deep breath and put on a smile, waving her hand as Verian noticed her. She would not let Praetor Amulius ruin a visit with her friend.
VERIAN’S BRIGHT SMILE ALWAYS warmed Vita’s heart, and today was no different. The familiar flutter of butterflies roiled in her stomach as she walked up to the city wall, greeting her longtime friend. She couldn’t help but grin as he waved at her from the front gate of Shadowholde.
The city gate was immense, leaving Vita in awe every time she used it. A stone turret flanked each end of the arched entryway, smooth river stones mortared together to meet with the great wall that surrounded the city. A guard walked across the top of one tower, a longbow poised in his hands. The portcullis was raised, as was usual for this time of day, letting people pass freely in and out.
Verian was standing with a guard Vita recognized, though she couldn’t recall his name. They worked together often; she had seenhim here at the gate station a few times on duty with her friend. Verian’s sage eyes glimmered as she walked up, a sly smile curling his lips. His pointed ears perked up ever so slightly, matching her expression.
Vita and Verian were half elves, as were many of the people of Shadowholde, the logical result of the centuries long peace between humans and elves.
“And here I was thinking I wouldn’t get to see my sweet girl today.” His deep voice rolled over her, causing a pleasant tingling throughout her body.
Despite the butterflies he gave her, she rolled her eyes, trying to resist a smile.
“Who’s your handsome friend?” she asked, doing her best attempt at a sensual purr.
It was worth it for the way Verian’s eyes widened and then narrowed with suspicion. His dark brown skin shone in the fading sunlight, and Vita could see a bead of sweat dotting his brow. A mess of black curls sat atop his head, a few strands coiled over his eyes.
The other guard laughed heartily and extended his hand to Vita. She gave him her best saccharine smile and took his gauntleted hand.
Instead of a simple shake, he brought her fingers to his lips, planting a chaste kiss without breaking eye contact. She tried to keep her expression neutral despite the flutter in her stomach and the glare that Verian directed at his friend.
“Drusus, at your service.”
The guard gave her a slight bow. He kept his auburn hair pinned back neatly, barely cresting his chin. His tanned face showed off the azure eyes which pierced straight into Vita’s chest. Heat flushed her cheeks, and she tried to get a handle on herself.
“Vita,” she said with a returned curtsy.
They both wore the same attire, a sage green, high-necked tunic underneath a silver breastplate and spaulders protecting the chest and shoulders. Simple black pants and boots completed each guard’s uniform, plus the silver longswords hanging at their backs. They both looked quite handsome, though she would never tell Verian that.
Drusus was human, just like her employer, his small, curved ears making that obvious. He also had a large scar slashed across his left eye. Vita was conscious of the red mark on her cheek, uncomfortable with how it marred her face. A scar on a man was rakish, but on a woman…
“Of course I know who you are. Verian never stops talking about you.”
That earned Drusus a punch to the shoulder, and it was her turn to laugh.
“Does he? Well, Ihavebeen telling him that he needs to make some new friends.” She chewed her lip as she turned her gaze towards Verian.
His mouth was a thin line, the scowl directed at her. “I could say the same about you.”
Vita scoffed at his rudeness, though his frown slowly turned into a grin and she laughed again, shaking her head.
“Did you hear about the Aonalia Feast?” Verian asked, changing the subject.
Maybe he hoped she would forget that he apparently never stopped talking about her to his guard friends. The thought pleased her just a bit.
“I have. I’m hoping that Amulius will take me.”
Vita noticed the way he clenched his jaw when she spoke her employer’s name. Though she’d shared some of the challenges she faced at the villa, she hadn’t divulged everything, knowing it would only make Verian worry more than he already did. Still, there were times she wished she could share it all.
“I’ve heard that the High Consul throws the most debauched parties,” Drusus mused, a wistful look on his face.