Domina Amulius opened her mouth to protest, but the Praetor interrupted her.

“We would be most honored to accept the High Consul’s invitation,” he said with that same fake smile that was always plastered on his face.

He shot a glare at his wife, daring her to say otherwise, and she slammed her mouth shut.

“Most excellent. I will wait here with my cart for you and your wife to ready yourselves. Our coachmen will take you back once the evening’s festivities are concluded. We expect your servant, Vita, to join us as well.”

“Vita?” Amulius asked, brows furrowed with suspicion. “Surely, we do not need to bring our own servants. The High Consul seemed to have more than enough at the Aonalia Feast.”

She winced at his words as Aurora narrowed her eyes into a glare.

“Vita will join us for dinner tonight. It is not a request.”

Aurora did not smile, though her head cocked to the side as if daring the Praetor to argue. At least he was smart enough to hold his tongue, simply nodding before turning to his wife. They dismissed themselves to prepare for dinner and Aurora’s attention turned towards Vita.

“Take me to your room, dear,” she instructed, holding her arm out so the coachman could hand her a neatly wrapped package.

Vita obeyed and hurried to her quarters, as they both followed close behind. Her hand was shaking as she turned the doorknob.

Aurora pushed her way in like she was the one who lived there, and the coachman stayed in the hallway. With a deep breath, Vita followed, letting the door close behind her. The package sat on her bed, and Aurora looked at her expectantly.

“Well? Get dressed, dear.”

Get dressed? Shewasdressed, though her tunic was a bit dusty from the dirt road. When she didn’t move, Aurora shook her head.

“The High Consul requested you wear something nice. Soget dressed.”

Vita stepped up to the bed, unlacing the string around the package before unfolding the cloth. Her fingers rubbed against a fine cotton garment, pale blue like the sky on a bright summer’s day. A longgolden rope sat under it, coiled like a gilded snake. She glanced at Aurora, who continued to watch her, hands planted on her hips.

The woman really wouldn’t leave her alone while she changed?

With a sigh, Vita turned her back to Aurora, disrobing quickly. She could sense a heated gaze prickling her skin as she slid into the periwinkle dress and before she could turn around, Aurora was behind her tying the golden rope around her chest and waist in elaborate knots.

Knots matching the ones in Vita’s stomach.

The dress was lovely, reaching the ground with long, open sleeves covering her arms. Nothing too scandalous, though the wide neckline exposed her collarbones and upper chest, her small breasts threatening to spill out as they failed to fill the bodice.

“As pretty as a petal,” Aurora said as she twirled Vita around.

A compliment which should not have pleased her as much as it did, her face flushing with warmth.

Aurora took her hand, escorting her back to the atrium as the coachman followed.

Everything was moving so fast, and Vita didn’t miss the strange looks from the Praetor and his wife as they saw her in her new dress.

With minimal words, Aurora shuffled everyone to the cart, which was still quite comfortable even with the four of them seated in there. Vita tried to keep her breathing under control as they rode towards the palace in strained silence, her mind blank to the possibilities of what was about to happen.



VITA CLUTCHED HER ARMS around herself as Aurora led them through the High Consul’s palace. A persistent pressure clenched her chest, and she could not drop the feeling that she was being paraded around like an animal to the slaughter.

What had the woman meant when she had called her the High Consul’splaything? Any initial excitement had soured at that word; she couldn’t even take pleasure in the Praetor’s obvious discomfort.

Aurora gestured to a door, and a herald announced Praetor and Domina Amulius, and their servant, Vita Quirinius. The room had no windows, warm candlelight illuminating the extravagantly dressed table in the center. It was large, could easily seat twenty, though it was set for five.

And there he was, the High Consul.