But someonehadkissed her yesterday, and she wasn’t talking about Amulius.

Vita saw the city wall in the distance. And was it? Yes!

Verian was there, with Drusus, it looked like. Well, that would be awkward, but she’d just have to get over it. Domina Amulius had wanted her to pick up oysters for dinner tonight, and she had been more than happy to go. She waved, and the men waved back as she approached.

Verian’s eyes were wide as she walked up to him, basket in hand. Drusus had a not-so-subtle smirk, though honestly, could she blame him?

“Hello, gentlemen,” she said with a curtsy, a sweet smile on her face.

“Vita… I am so glad that you made it home safe,” Verian said, his mouth a thin line. “I was worried about you.”

“Oh, I’m alright, Ver. I can handle myself.”

He didn’t seem convinced.

“Hello, Vita,” Drusus said with a bow. “You look beautiful today.”

She rolled her eyes as he took her hand and kissed it, though that didn’t stop a blush from forming on her cheeks.

“Thank you,friend.” She turned her attention back to Verian. “Could I speak with you? Alone?”

He looked to Drusus, who nodded, then took her arm and led her towards the wall, away from the other guards meandering near the arched entryway.

“Are you sure you’re alright? The High Consul didn’t hurt you, did he?” Verian asked as he turned to face her, brows furrowed with worry.

His hands rested on her shoulders, warmth blooming from the intimate touch, and she bit at her lip before answering.

“No, he… didn’t hurt me.” Might as well come out and say it. “Ver, he kissed me. He helped me get back in through the window and then he kissed me.”

Verian’s eyes were wide, shooting to her lips for a moment. “Did he hurt you? You can be honest with me.”

“No. I… was surprised, but it wasn’t unwelcome. And he didn’t try anything more than a kiss.” She glanced at the ground, unable to meet his gaze. “I’m so sorry about last night. I made a fool of myself.”

Verian placed a gauntleted hand on her chin, tilting her head back up to look at him. “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweet girl. It is your right to take who you wish to bed, even if I would prefer someone other than one of my brothers from the guard.”

Vita blushed, shocked at the admission. He’d never had much of an opinion aboutwhoshe spent her time with, but she felt some sense of possession in the way he looked at her. As he gently brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes, a swarm of butterflies took flight in her stomach.

“Well, I promise I will be less handsy with your guard friends. In Aona’s name,” she said, holding her palm up in a gesture of the oath.

He chuckled, though concern still knitted his brows. “So, the High Consul actually kissed you. Did you… enjoy it?”

Vita narrowed her eyes, yet again surprised by her friend’s candor. They’d never truly discussed their lovers, at least no details beyond who those lovers were.

“I… yes, I enjoyed it. There’s something about him. I don’t know, he’s interesting.”

Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, needing to feel the comfort of his embrace. His hands rested on her waist as if on instinct, sending a shudder up her spine.

What did he think about this recent development? He’d never taken much of an interest in her past lovers beyond making sure she was treated well, so this was strange.

But perhaps these were just strange times.

“I am… glad that you enjoyed it. The High Consul is certainlyinteresting.” He paused for a long moment, taking in a deep breath. “I wanted you to know I’m looking for a new work placement for you. It will be difficult to separate from the Praetor, but I will find something. I will. Somewhere safe.”

Before she could tell him about the High Consul’s vague threats against Amulius, Verian reached up and cupped her cheek. His hand twitched and Vita’s heart leaped, certain he was going to kiss her this time. She slammed her eyes shut, then opened them a moment later when she didn’t feel the brush of his lips.

His head was turned, a glare directed at the city wall, the sound of a cart’s wheels crunching over the dirt as it passed through the gated archway.

The cart was extravagant, larger than any she had seen before. Two coachmen sat at the front, holding the reins of the horses. A woman rode in the back, the navy blue dress and golden rose in her hair making it clear who she was even from afar.