The tall one licked his lips before speaking, taking a step closer.
“I heard him and Drusus talking about going to Ad Noctua at dinner tonight.”
The tavern. Of course, he was there with Drusus.
The guard looked her up and down with furrowed brows. “We don’t normally let people into the city after the gate has closed.”
“Oh, I was so hoping you could make an exception for me.” Vita fluttered her lashes, placing a conspicuous hand on his chest as he looked down at her. “I really must see Verian. It is important.”
The tall guard took a deep breath and a big step back, separating himself from her. He looked at the other one, who nodded.
“Just this once, Domina.”
Vita curtsied again, the sweet smile hurting her cheeks as she kept it plastered on her face. “I am indebted to you both.”
The tall one moved to the portcullis, whispering to another guard within the city walls as the short one stood watch, like he was preparing for bandits or criminals to come rushing out of the darkness.
But it was just Vita.
She curtsied once more as they waved her through the now open archway, trying to remember their faces, since she hadn’t caught their names.
Shadowholde was no less busy in the evening hours, though certainly more rowdy.
Vita made her way to Ad Noctua, following the winding streets and hoping that Verian and Drusus were still there. Though the tavern was in a seedier part of the city, no one bothered her as she found the correct place, walking in and scanning the room for her friend.
Braziers cast a dim light onto the tavern, making it difficult to see into all the nooks and crannies. There were a mass of wooden tables and benches, and all manner of folk seated at them. Lively music filled the air, a bard in the corner doing her best rendition of “The Maiden and the Minotaur” as patrons laughed and clinked large tankards of ale.
At one table, two people were arm wrestling, muscles straining as they gritted their teeth. A few interested eyes glanced Vita’s way, though she ignored them as she meandered through the tavern, feeling a bit out of place. The vast majority of people here were men, and the few women she saw, well… she didn’t judge the profession, but it certainly wasn’t hers.
She spun around upon hearing her name, the jolt in her chest softening as she recognized Verian and Drusus, seated on opposite sides of a table. A woman leaned over them, conveniently giving the men a lovely show of her breasts as they chatted.
Verian stood, and she gave him a big hug. He seemed shocked, frozen for a moment, before wrapping his arms around her and squeezing.
“What are you doing here? Are you alright?”
Concern etched his face as he pulled away, holding her shoulders and studying her. Likely looking for fresh injuries from the Praetor, though this wound was not one that could be seen. Tears dotted her eyes, and she willed them away.
“Can we talk?” She glanced at Drusus and his… friend. “Alone?”
“Of course,” Verian replied, taking her hand and leading her back outside the tavern.
She gave Drusus a small wave as she followed, suddenly nervous about telling all that had transpired. Verian was her friend. There was nothing to be worried about, right?
She’d always trusted him in the past, withmostof her secrets, anyway. He was the only person other than Mariana who knew of her magic. Still, there were some things that were just too difficult to explain…
Vita leaned against the stone of the tavern exterior as Verian cocked his head, his eyes complemented by the sage cloak he wore. The dim light of the brazier softened his features. Add that with the warm rosy glow, likely from drink, and she was thoroughly distracted. It had been a long time since she had seen him out of his guard uniform, since they had been alone like this.
“What’s going on?”
She cleared her throat, not sure what to share first, but decided to go in order. She told him all about the Aonalia Feast—dancing with the High Consul, the moment in the rose garden, the mountain view—and this morning with Praetor Amulius. It was difficult to gauge his reaction; even in his state of drunkenness he had his unreadable soldier stare.
Vita thought she caught a twitch of his lips as she spoke of the High Consul, but it definitely turned into a scowl as she mentioned the kiss from her employer.
“That absolute bastard,” he said through gritted teeth.
Verian was standing quite close and even in the dim light, she could see the roar of fury in his eyes.