Renatus crouched between them, massaging aching muscles as Vita and Verian fluttered their eyelids shut. He cleaned her with a soft cloth, then did the same to Verian, before laying between them and pulling them each into a slender arm.

Vita cuddled up to him, her arm slung across Verian’s body as well, pure bliss washing over her.

“My darlings, I love you. I will never let you go.”

His whispered words rang through her head as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.



VITA SAT IN THE rose garden, a warm shawl draping over her shoulders as the crisp winter air flushed her cheeks and nose. A crackling fire warmed her, as did the two men flanking her on either side.

She took a deep breath, closing her journal, stomach aflutter with nerves as she awaited a response.

“Bravo, sweet girl!” Verian cheered, clapping his hands together, forcing her face to redden even further.

“I quite enjoyed that chapter. I’m eager to see how the handsome princeps and the valiant knightcometogether. With the beautiful girl, of course.” Renatus grinned as he brushed his fingers through her hair.

Verian chuckled and Vita let her smile beam into the dark night.

She’d finally decided to share her story with them, the one she’d been working on since the day she met the High Consul. It had been exactly six months, and she was finally close to finishing.

Today had been special; Detonalia, the winter solstice.

It was the same day she’d met Verian all those years ago, and Renatus had planned a joyous celebration for the city. Uncharacteristic for him, but perhaps he was letting himself loosen up as the months went by, letting himself become a real part of Shadowholde.

There’d been a simple feast after the sun had gone down, and bonfires had lighted the city forum with an enchanting glow. Verian had helped with the plans, organizing a distribution of blankets and warm clothes for those in need. The smile on his face as he handed out items to city residents was the most beautiful sight, as was Renatus standing by his side.

Aurora and Petran had joined the people of Shadowholde as the city reveled, as did Vita. A dance with each of her lovers, letting them twirl her around the cobblestone streets as her laughter echoed to the stars.

A beautiful night, as was every night when she spent it with the ones she loved.

Aurora and Petran had surreptitiously gone to bed once they all had returned to the palace, and she had no doubts about how they were showing their devotion to Deton, the God of peace andabundance.

Renatus cleared his throat, drawing Vita’s eyes away from the dance of flames.

“I… have something to ask you both,” he said, his eyes darting about the somber garden.

Was the High Consul…nervous?

He cleared his throat, turning so he faced Vita and Verian as they huddled together for warmth.

“We have not known each other long, a mere drop in the cosmic order, but you both have become so dear to me. I feel more… myself, than I have in a long while. We may not be able to have aformal unionin the way that two lovers might, but there is another option…”

Vita swallowed hard, her mouth dry, Verian squeezing her hand tightly.

“What do you mean?” she asked, her words leaving her as whispered smoke in the cold air.

“A proper version of the blood bond, one steeped in ancient vampiric tradition. I’ve been researching the sacraments… Admittedly I’ve never had much interest in the customs of those who turned me until now.”

Renatus’ eyes were wide, brow furrowed with worry, as if he didn’t already know their answer.

“Yes, of course, whatever it is, I want to do it,” Vita said.

“Me too,” Verian added with a serious nod.

Renatus was frozen for a moment before his lips curled into a smile.