Verian pulled Vita into his chest, pressing their bodies together, never wanting to let go.
Dinner the next night was a joyous affair, their own private Edonia celebration. Autumn was officially here.
A well-fattened goose was the masterpiece of the evening, a symbol of the harvest and preparation for the coming winter. It was more delicious than anything Verian had ever tasted, rich and earthy with nutty undertones.
He was quiet for most of the meal, letting others lead the conversation while he observed. He’d never been the best at standing out in a crowd, preferring to fade to the background while others took the stage. Vita squirmed next to him, her face flushed pleasantly, and he could only imagine what cogs were spinning in her lascivious mind.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t also have some ideas. His first kiss with Renatus had been electric, and there had been many more since then. It was such a strange, but comforting, feeling to finally be able to live as his true self, to accept what had always been a part of him.
Verian kept meeting Petran’s eye, who sat across from him, and at some point during the evening felt the sturdy leg of the man hookingaround his own under the table. That certainly jolted him to attention, his cock tightening his pants as Petran winked.
Petran, who had made a very distinct effort to walk next to him as they retired to the parlor while Vita, Renatus, and Aurora trailed behind, arm in arm.
“How are you liking the palace, love?”
Verian tried to focus, tried to breathe, tried to stop his head from spinning as he stammered an answer. “It’s… very nice here. Much better than the barracks.”
Was he going to have sex with a man tonight?
Not that he was in a rush. It had only been a few days since he’d first kissed Renatus, since he’d gotten on his knees for the man. Looking up at the High Consul’s cock awaiting his eager mouth, it was positively divine.
Ordained by the Gods themselves.
Verian knew he needed work before he was at Vita’s utterly impeccable skill level, but that’s what practice was for.
Still, he couldn’t deny the anticipation that coursed through him at the thought, even though the evening cuddles of the past few nights were idyllic in their own way.
Petran grinned. “I am glad to hear that. You make Vita and Renatus very happy.”
Vita? Doubtless. But Renatus?
“I’m not so sure about that,” he said, casting a glance back at the High Consul before entering the room.
Without warning, Petran pulled him in close, rough lips vibrating the sensitive shell of his ear. “I’m certain. He likes you quite a bit. I like you too.”
Tension coiled in Verian’s stomach, his cock aching as it pressed against his pants. The look in Petran’s eyes sent a shiver down his spine as Vita and the others entered the parlor. She moved straight to a comfortable chair, pulling Renatus and Aurora along with a mischievous smile on her face.
The room was warm, too warm, the flames of the hearth crackling as Verian felt all eyes on him.
Petran dragged him to the velvety sofa, taking the seat next to him. Too close, their legs squeezing together despite the ample space on the couch.
Renatus settled onto the chair across the room, his arms wrapped around the waists of Vita and Aurora, one woman seated on each of his thighs.
They were Verian’s captive audience, despite the small talk they tried to make, and he was the actor on stage. Somehow the thought aroused him more than frightened him, though maybe Vita’s comforting smile had something to do with that.
Then Petran was leaning towards him, eagerness apparent by the look on his face.
“Can I kiss you, Verian?” The deep timbre of his voice set every nerve alight, the gaze of tawny eyes not helping the matter.
“Y-Yes,” Verian finally managed, and the man was on him, grasping his face with enormous hands and pressing their lips together.
The kiss differed from the High Consul’s, uncontrolled and wild as opposed to precise and passionate. Certainly different from Vita’s lips, which were soft and sweet, but Verian enjoyed it all the same.
Petran was smooth, leaning him back until he lay flush on the couch, not letting their lips part once. His tongue was rough, sending pleasant shocks through Verian. Then an absolute jolt as Petran’s erection rubbed against his own, white already dotting his eyes.
Before he could tangle his fingers in the man’s hair, Petran was pulling away, reaching for the laces of his pants. “Is this alright?”