He wasn’t wrong.
It had been difficult to find time to herself while she’d worked for Amulius, and since moving to the palace, things had been better, but no less complicated.
“If you’re up for it, I have one more thing to show you,” Renatus said, gazing at her with that piercing stare.
Something else? Vita nodded, her heart settling as she said goodbye to Mariana.
He took her hand, leading her through winding rows in peaceful silence before stopping at another grave.
All the breath left her lungs as she read the name.
Emotions roiled through her, confusion, melancholy, despair. Someone had loved him enough to bury an empty casket with a beautiful headstone. One that was covered with dirt, as if no one had been here to visit in quite some time. She got on her knees, brushingthe mud from the smooth stone so his name shone clearly in the moonlight.
Vita turned to look up at him, and there was a wry smile on his face.
“I didn’t find out about it until many years after I had been turned. Tullia was the one who did it.” He cleared his throat. “I hope that doesn’t upset you, but I wanted to bring you here. It’s been decades since I’ve come myself.”
She frowned, his worry making her chest clench. Did he really think she’d be bothered because Tullia was the one who did this? She pushed her way up, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands grasped her hips.
“Of course I’m not upset. Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m so sorry for what happened, all of it.”
“What’s done is done.” His jaw clenched, though his eyes softened. “And if I hadn’t been turned, I would never have met you.”
The statement settled in her chest, a cascade of emotion that brought more tears to her eyes. She rested her hands on his shoulders as he pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was sweet, gentle, an owl hooting in the distance as they let the night air caress them.
Renatus pulled back, placing a hand on her cheek with a smile. “Vita, it’s important that you know… I-I love you. Not because of Tullia, but because of you. You’re special to me, in a way that even Aurora and Petran aren’t, and I hope you will stay with me. It would be the greatest honor to be yours, for as long as you wish to have me.”
All the words she’d been waiting to hear, and they were more perfect than she had expected. She could see the truth in his eyes, his touch, his genuine smile.
“I love you too.Of course, I want you. I’ve wanted you since the night in the rose garden. And I promise I’m never leaving again.”
He leaned in close, his eyes serious. “My beautiful Vita. I’ve wasted so much time trying to deny what I felt. I promise I will not waste another moment.”
With a smile, she let her lips brush his, every nerve in her body tingling.
“Can we… do the blood bond again? I want to feel you, know you.”
Words weren’t enough; she needed to be connected with him in a way that only the Gods could understand.
Renatus nodded, taking her hand and pulling her to a bench, the cool stone chilling her as they sat.
“I would like nothing more than to taste you again, and to let you taste me.”
Vita tried to smile, though her brows furrowed. “And there’s no way to make the bond permanent?”
“Not unless you…” he trailed off, but she finished the sentence for him.
Her face was as serious as an oath, her eyes offering what she couldn’t bring herself to say.
Renatus shook his head vehemently. “No. Vita, no. I would never hurt you, never curse you with what has happened to me.”
“What if I wanted that? Wanted to be your—”