And come to find out, Vita wasenjoyingit. Perhaps not so innocent after all.
Tension vibrated through Renatus as he gazed upon Aurora’s slender neck, her sultry face, her bountiful bosom. He cherished her, but she was not Vita. She was right to think he’d be interested in the girl from the market. Aurora knew him better than… well, anyone else.
There was no denying that Vita reminded him of someone he had known long ago. She had the same bright smile and sweetly seductive voice. The cascades of dark waves and light eyes, down to the scar on her cheek.
What God had sent this sweet girl to torment him with memories ofher?
He brushed away his thoughts, focusing his attention back on Aurora, and back on the electricity running through him. Just one kiss from Vita had set his body aflame with arousal. One kiss, and it had not been enough to quell the fire.
“Shall we withdraw to the bedroom, my dear?”
Aurora smirked at his question and took his hand, leading him towards her bedchamber. Oh, he was quite familiar with that room, though of late he had been… preoccupied. Of course, Aurora had plenty of other lovers to choose from. Her bed was never empty unless that was what she wanted. She understood his ways, knew when to keep her distance and when to reach out.
What he would do without her, he did not know.
Aurora’s room was as moody and lush as she was. An opulent chandelier hung from the high ceiling, and she raised her hand towards it. With a flick of her wrist, the room was bathed in a warm glow.
Each piece of furniture was rich and well-made, Renatus had seen to that. Whatever Aurora wanted, he had been sure to procure. He owed it to her after… well, after everything she’d done for him, and still did for him.
Her bed was piled high with plush pillows and sheets in various shades of deep purple and maroon. Gold painted roses and spirals trimmed the dark wood bedframe, a bright rug warming the cold stone floor. She pulled Renatus towards the enormous bed, one he had spent many a lusty evening in with all manner of interesting partners.
What was this? Yes, of course, he was feeling excitement, lust, arousal. After restraining himself in Vita’s bedroom, he needed release. Aurora knew that and was happy to oblige him, just as he was for her.
She sat on the bed and Renatus stepped up to her, fitting neatly between her splayed thighs, just as he had earlier with Vita. She wrapped her legs around his waist, unbuttoning his tunic and vest, eager to relieve him of his clothing.
Renatus let her take the lead, as was their usual dynamic. She was the only person he allowed to have control over him in this manner.
In any manner, really.
Aurora ran her hands along his bare chest, lithe and slender, causing a shiver to run down his spine. Her hands, so warm and so firm, were just what he needed right now. What he needed to forget about Vita, at least for the time being.
What he wanted from the girl, it just couldn’t happen. He was a monster, but he wasn’t cruel. Still, the idea of her warming his bed every night… it wasn’t an unpleasant thought.
Renatus crawled towards Aurora as she sat against the headboard. He ducked his head forward, fixing her with his best sultry leer, hooded eyes and pursed lips. He knew what she liked, knew what they all liked, and he wasn’t one to disappoint.
Aurora smiled at him with a knowing look, though she said nothing.
Tonight. Tonight would be amusing.
VITA HURRIED DOWN THE path to Shadowholde, eager to see Verian after last night. Gods, she had made a fool of herself.
The morning had been rough, her stomach and head still woozy from the drinks at the tavern. She was lucky that Amulius had been busy in his office, only having to deal with his wife as she barked orders around the house. That was much preferable to the alternative. She shuddered to think about him in her room, his lips on hers like they were yesterday.
But no, all her misery this morning was her own fault.
Vita had really outdone herself last night, sitting on Drusus’ lap as if she would have gone to a room with him, or him and Verian.Certainly it would have been an entertaining time, but was mixing friendship with sex really the best idea?
Even if her friends were two very handsome city guards.
Of course, she had fantasized about being intimate with Verian. There had been many times where she thought he was about to kiss her, and last night outside Ad Noctua had been yet another. Many times where shehopedhe would kiss her, so she would finally know that the feelings she had for him were mutual. But it never happened.
All the furtive glances and intimate touches, yet he was still married to the guard more than all else. That was what he wanted, and she had to accept it.