Two sets of eyes shot to the door as one. Domina Amulius stood there with her hands on her hips, a stern look darkening her sharp face. Without a word, he released her from his grasp, taking a step back before turning and striding to his wife.
“Dear, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” he simpered, wrapping her in a tight hug and planting a sweet kiss on her cheek.
She accepted the kiss, but the glare did not leave her face. Though it was aimed at her husband, she quickly redirected it towards Vita.
“I need you to go to the market. We’re out of eggs and Rhea needs some for tonight.” Her voice was steady, but a twinge of anger seethed under the surface, her teeth gritted as she spoke.
“Yes, of course, Domina.”
Vita bowed slightly, picking up the rag and bucket of water she had been using to clean, and stumbled over to the pair, carefully avoiding eye contact. Domina Amulius cleared her throat as she glanced at her husband.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few copper coins. The cruel grin returned as he held them in his palm, waiting for Vita to take them. It was impossible to pick up the money without grazing his skin as well, the touch echoing through her with the remnants of the lewd cruelty that had transpired a moment ago.
With another quick bow, she shuffled past them and towards the back door. Vita could sense their ardent gazes as she walked away, could hear the Domina’s stern voice as she left the house.
Once outside, she let out the breath she had been holding, the surge of tension easing from her body. She stood for a few moments, taking in the fresh air as her head swam with tumultuous thoughts. What would he have done to her if his wife hadn’t walked in? The dark images caused a shudder as they infiltrated her mind.
She dumped out the dirty water, leaving the bucket near the back door so she could deal with it later. There was no chance she would go back into the villa right now, not after what had just happened. She took another deep breath and tried to gather herself for the walk into the city center, slipping the coins into the pouch attached to her belt.
It was a lovely day.
Aonalia drew near, the air warm and humid with the approaching summer solstice. The sun shone brightly, marred only by a few passing clouds, a light breeze fluttering pleasantly against her brown skin. Vita drew a hand through her dark hair, trying to smooth the mess that Amulius had caused. Her waves stretched down her back, her one vanity even when the other maidservants told her to cut it.
Luckily, her clothes were acceptably clean, otherwise she’d have to go back into the villa and change. Her tunic stopped at her ankles, sleeveless and with no more than a couple of spots of water from washing the floor. Thin strips of cloth cinched her waist, showing her form in the style that was popular amongst the young women of Shadowholde. Perhaps she needed to reconsider what she wore around the villa.
Vita began the brief journey to the city gates, strolling along the dirt path with a woven basket slung over her arm. Birdsong tittered from the surrounding trees, fragrant lilac scenting the air. There were a few other travelers sharing the path, and she nodded at each one as they passed.
The Amulius’ lived a short distance from Shadowholde, in a spacious villa that emphasized her employer’s importance as Praetor of the city. He spent a good amount of time dealing with issues within the city walls, which normally made it easy to avoid being alone with him.
There was no rush to get to the market; Vita was eager to stay away as long as she could without casting suspicion. Her mind wandered as she thought of what had happened, the way his harsh gaze lingered on her body, his hands gripping her in such an inappropriate manner. She hoped the Domina would reprimand her husband, but knew that even she had so little power over him.
Vita wasn’t a stranger to the caresses of men, though it had been some time since she fell into bed with someone. But Praetor Amulius was her employer, and he was married, and he was beastly.
Plenty of good reasons to keep one’s distance.
Then, there was the welling of energy within her, one that she almost could not contain. If his groping had gone on much longer, she might have lost control completely.
Thatwould have been an utter disaster.
Somehow, Vita had hidden her abilities from her employer the entire time she’d been at the villa. No one knew about them other than Mariana and Verian. A secret she’d do just about anything to keep.
Unease followed her like a dark cloud as she walked, the Praetor’s words echoing in her mind. What ‘secrets’ had he been referring to?
If he knew about her magic, she would be in the city jail by now. Perhaps it was just his delusion that she was interested in him in some way.
Gods knew she could only avoid him for so long. They lived in the same home; he knew where she slept, and his boldness today had frightened her. The problem was, she had nowhere else to go. Despite the cruelty, he paid her more than she’d make working at a tavern or inn, and until today his idle threats had been just that… idle.
Pondering her limited choices, she sighed. This was just how things went for her.
She’d bounced around homes as a child, her parents unable, or unwilling, to care for her. Mariana had never told her the truth about them, and perhaps it was better that way. Still, it didn’t stop the stinging in her chest, the knot that formed in her throat if she let herself think about her family for too long.
Why had they abandoned her? Was it her magic?
She was forever grateful for Mariana, an old woman who had taken her in and taught her to read and write and how to run a household. How to hide her surges. The thought of where she would be without her guardian made her chest clench; in jail, certainly, or worse.
But Mariana was gone, and Vita was alone. She would stop by her grave while she was in Shadowholde. It had been too long since she had visited one of the few people she’d ever considered family.