I barked out a laugh, suddenly feeling relaxed. “Ah. Chicago Bears?” At his nod, I went on, “That wasn’t hard to guess. It seems to be the default setting of every Chicagoan."
Creed flashed me a charming smile, causing my heart to flutter. His piercing eyes sparkled mischievously. He dragged his eyes up and down my body and I felt like it would burst into flames. The eye magic between us was intense. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had this kind of intense, instant chemistry with someone.
Without stopping to think, I took the leap and said, "I'd love it if you joined me for coffee," I could hear the hint of flirtation in my voice. "But only if you let me pay."
"Sure." I could see the blue undertone in his gray eyes.
We walked side by side, arms slightly brushing against each other. The contact burned me like the lightest lick of a flame and my breath turned shallow. My heart fluttered erratically in my chest; it had to be abnormal.
The conversation lagged as we ordered pastries at the counter. Then we grabbed a table with two empty chairs.
My eyes rested on Creed's biceps. I fantasized about squeezing his arm to find out if it was as solid as it looked.
We shared our first smile when my gaze finally returned to eye level with Creed. His irises sparkled in the light of the room.It was hard to tell whether this was flirting or Creed was just being receptive to me.
“So, do you come here often? I mean, it's a bit early to be here all dressed up in your… work clothes.” Creed gestured at me.
“Is it that obvious? I mean, I’m dressed like this almost every day, but yes, I do come here often. It’s quiet in the early hours of the morning, and I get to inhale the scent of freshly brewed coffee too and watch people go about their business.”
Creed nodded and gave me a once-over. It was almost as if he was sizing me up, but gave up as soon as he was confronted by my similar stare.
“I was wondering if you're in the military?"
Creed bit his lips, looking uncertain about how to respond to the question. His eyes lingered on me and his forehead wrinkled in contemplation. “That’s pretty complicated stuff I don’t think I’m willing to talk about right now. We could discuss some other things if you want.”
“Yeah,” I shrugged. “That works for me.”
Creed offered a bright smile. “So no hard feelings, huh?”
“None at all. I’m just trying to get to know you and possibly make a new friend,” I muttered, struggling not to trip over my words.
"Depends on what your definition of friendship is."
"Umm, someone to talk to and hang out with from time to time?"
"Sure. The job description sounds simple enough." He looked amused.
"Great," I replied, feeling both nervous and excited. I couldn't remember the last time I felt butterflies in my stomach when I met a guy I was attracted to. Why did Creed have to be so fucking good-looking? It was distracting and I hadn't been able to stop looking at him since we began our conversation.
I couldn't stop now either. What was coming over me?
Creed took a long sip of his drink and closed his eyes, leaning back in the chair as the light shone on his face. He looked content. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d just basked in the moment the way Creed appeared to be doing.
"You're staring again," Creed said without opening his eyes.
"I don't think that's the right word to use in this context. I'm just admiring your ability to live in the moment."
Creed responded with a smile, and I couldn't help but wonder if his lips were as soft as they appeared. "You'll lose it if you don't find moments to destress and forget about your problems." He opened his blue-gray orbs and looked at me.
"I'll keep that in mind." After a few minutes of quiet, I mustered the courage to ask what had been on my mind since we met. “Are you in a relationship? I mean, it's hard to picture you single…” My voice trailed off as I spoke, expecting Creed to pick up on the rest.
He didn’t reply straight away. He took several sips of his coffee and then set the cup down. He looked at me with his hypnotizing eyes that made me want to lean forward and gaze deeper into them.
“I’ve been on my own for so long, I’m not sure I remember how to share my space.”
“Oh.” I paused, taking him in. So he wasn’t attached. That played right into my hands. I hid my grin behind my coffee cup, letting the warmth settle the nervous energy buzzing under my skin. Going with him as my date to Thanksgiving would not only get my mother off my back but might give me a chance to get to know him better.
The silence stretched, so I leaned in a little. “What do you think about sharing space with me?” I winced as the words left my mouth—was there something in this coffee making me lose my filter?