Then he lowers his head right between my legs.
With the first press of his hot mouth against my sex, a rush of pleasure floods me. I have to hold myself back from bucking forward hard enough to hurt his jaw. As it is, I rock and pant through the melding of his lips to my clit and the sensitive flesh beneath.
Neither of my past lovers, brief as our dalliances were, ever offered this blissful act, though they were more than happy to push for my similar attentions. I had no idea it could feel so incredible.
Landric’s pleased hum reverberates through my core, sparking renewed delight. He laps his tongue right betweenmy folds and then penetrates me with two fingers. Even more pleasure spirals out from that most intimate touch.
As he grazes his teeth across my clit and pumps his fingers inside me, my other two men are seeing that no other part of me goes neglected. Jostein continues fondling my breasts and branding my neck with kisses while Iko massages my thighs and ass, easing up now and then to catch my mouth.
“You’ve taken on so much,” Jostein murmurs by my ear. “Now we’re going to take care of you completely. Let it all go.”
His heated words and the tweak of my nipples between his calloused fingers send me careening over the edge. I shudder against Landric’s mouth, and he flicks his tongue faster, working his fingers even deeper to a giddying spot I didn’t know existed inside me.
With a cry, I unravel. Bliss sweeps through every inch of my body until I feel as if I’m glowing with it.
While I come down from the high of my release, Landric dapples kisses along my thighs. Iko lets out a chuckle. “I suppose since the new fellow tended to our spitfire so well, he deserves a little reward. If you agree.” He pinches my ass teasingly.
I wouldn’t have thought I could feel more desire than I already have, but the sight of Landric’s flushed, eager face sets off a throbbing of need. The need to be filled. The need to claim this man as thoroughly as he’s claimed me.
Without waiting for Jostein to deliver more orders, I slide forward and push Landric down on the floor, his head coming to rest on the edge of my makeshift mattress. My hands dip to fumble with the fastening of his trousers. “Off, now.”
A breathless laugh escapes him. He squirms out of his pants and drawers as fast as humanly possible.
Landric’s cock juts up between us, thick and hard. When I rub my slick sex against it, his head tips back with a stuttered groan.
Iko and Jostein have followed us. Jostein kneels beside me, twining his fingers with my hair. “I love seeing a lady take what she wants.”
His friend kisses my shoulder blade, crouching close behind me. “Possibly the lady would want even more?”
He trails his fingers down to the crease of my ass, reminding me of his previous suggestion. A heady quiver passes through my body. “I don’t know—I’ve never tried—but I would like to.”
“Don’t worry. I took the opportunity to prepare when it was offered. All we needed is a little oil.”
He leaves for just long enough to retrieve something from the pack he left by the side of the cabin. I can’t help grinding myself against Landric’s rigid cock and then rising up to take it inside me where I’m craving it most.
Every inch he eases inside me is pure bliss. As Landric fills me, he lets out another groan. Pushing himself farther upright, he captures my mouth and palms my breast.
“You feel amazing,” he mumbles against my lips. “This is the only place I ever want to be.”
Iko returns to us, already shedding his trousers. He positions himself over Landric’s legs behind me and smears a smooth liquid over my other opening. It warms quickly with the deft strokes of his fingers.
Each caress sends more of that thrilling sensation through me, heightening the blissful stretch of Landric’s cock. I can’t hold back a moan.
Jostein remains next to us, his gaze searingly intent. Even as Iko starts to stretch my back opening with tantalizing fingers, I can’t help feeling the moment isn’t complete.
I catch the squad leader’s gaze, willing my eyes not toglaze over with pleasure. “I need you too. Let me—let me taste you.”
If I had any worries that my fumbling request would land awkwardly, Jostein’s ragged breath and the hurried jerk of his trousers dissolves it in an instant. His erection springs free, as impressively large as I remember, the head already gleaming with arousal in the fire’s glow.
As I lower my head to lick my tongue across that bead of salty liquid, his grip tightens in my hair. “Gods. Signy, you’re a fucking miracle.”
The craziest thing is I feel like one as I wrap my mouth around Jostein’s cock, as I take Iko’s into me from behind and sway over Landric’s, welcoming all of them in deeper. So much love and lust blazes through me in the most potent mix I can imagine that it’s hard to see it as anything but divine.
How could we have found each other like this amid all the chaos around us if not through some godly intervention? I don’t know who to thank for it, but I couldn’t be more grateful.
After years of slinking along the fringes, keeping out of people’s way, I’m suddenly seen, accepted,wantedmore than I ever dreamed of.
Landric sinks back on the floor, working over my breasts as he thrusts up into me. Iko matches his rhythm with a grasp of my hips to help me keep pace.