Page 27 of Heart of Defiance

Signy stops a few paces from the clearing. Her arms wrap loosely around her chest as if she needs the reassurance of an embrace. “What are you two talking about over here?”

Chapter Ten


Idon’t think I’ve ever seen Iko look remotely flustered before, but his tan face reddens as he seems to grope for the words to answer my question. My stomach drops.

All I made out of their low voices was something about “she” needing to know what her options are. And the only “she” around here is me.

What options could there be beyond heading back to their squadron and seeing how much farther we can take this mission? Are they discussing whether they should try to convince me to back down?

Why would they be having any kind of conversation that concerns me off where I can’t be a part of it?

Iko opens his mouth to speak, but Jostein beats him to the punch. Though the squad leader looks a tad ruffled himself, his voice comes out with typical steadiness. “I mentioned to Iko how much I admire you, and he’s trying to persuade me that I shouldn’t act on myinterest.”

Even as my heart stutters at the confession, Iko is jumping in, his cheeks still flushed. “That wasn’t it at all, Jos, and you know it. I was only saying that I have just as much right to express my own interest.”

My jaw has gone slack. I glance from one handsome face to the other, my pulse recovered and thumping at twice as rapid a pace as usual. “You mean… You would want…Bothof you…”

I can’t quite seem to sort my thoughts out into a coherent order. I thought the flares of attraction I’ve felt were mostly if not entirely on my side.

I’m a nobody who’s accomplished nothing before the last few days, whose own godlen didn’t believe in her. How is it possible that not one but two stunning, capable men could want to court me?

“It’s out there now,” Jostein says to Iko, and turns his attention back to me. The intensity of his bright blue eyes sends a thrill down the middle of my chest. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met, and I’d be honored to become more than just your colleague.”

Iko rolls his eyes as if exasperated by his friend’s formal phrasing. When he looks at me, there’s something oddly nervous about his usual carefree smile. “You’re fucking fantastic. I’d welcome the chance to give you everything you deserve from a man.”

He pauses, taking in my reaction. “Although naturally you don’t have to accept either proposition. If you’re not inclined to be kissing either of us, we wouldn’t press the issue.”

A startled laugh tumbles out of me. I rake my hand back through my travel-mussed hair, my head still spinning, and look down at my feet. “That isn’t the problem. I never expected… I think you’re both incredible too.”

There’s a beat of silence, and then Iko cracks a grin. “We’ve made a good impression then.”

“I guess you could say that,” I mutter, and inhale slowly.

I’ve stared down Darium soldiers, ready to meet my death by their hands. I should be able to look these two men in the face while I’m talking about a much more enjoyable outcome.

I lift my eyes, girding myself. A blush tickles across my cheeks at the avidness in both their gazes. My heart is still thumping along far too quickly.

“We’ve only just started to get to know each other,” I say. “I like both of you a lot so far. I don’t think I could choose between you right now.” Not without risking regretting that choice before long.

Gods above, how did I end up in the position to need to choose at all?

Iko cocks his head, his smile turning sly in a way that sets off sparks over my skin. “Maybe that’s not a problem. You could get to know us both a little more at the same time.” He glances at Jostein. “Friends don’t have to pitch a fit about sharing, do they?”

Jostein blinks at him and then considers me. A glimmer of passion lights in his eyes. “We do work well together in many other ways…”

“Mmhm. So why not give this a try? Fan our spitfire’s flames twice over.”

Iko trails his hand down my arm, and I sway toward him automatically. Heat courses through my body, muddling my thoughts even more.

The soldier steps closer, brushing my hair back over my shoulder, and presses a tentative kiss to the side of my neck.

The graze of his lips brings a gasp to my throat. I tilt my head farther to offer him better access, my skin lighting up all the way down to my toes.

I haven’t been touched with any kind of desire in more than two years. I’d forgotten how good it can feel.

It’sneverfelt this good, with the certainty that the man offering it truly wants me for more than just his satisfaction.