His voice sounds like he’s shouting above the volume level of a concert, but shots just keep going off, shaking the walls of the cabin. As I stumble down the stairs, I nearly crash into Gunner, who’s runningtowardthe sound of Turner shouting from behind me.
As I make it to the kitchen, the sound of upbeat pop music still playing in the chaos, I hear his thundering footsteps coming down the stairs. He continues to shout the same two words over and over. I don’t get it. But Idounderstand the sound of another two rounds firing off from the stairwell.
He’s going to fucking kill me.
Gripping my parka, I make a dash for the front door, ripping it open to the chilly air outside. The wind is so harsh that it burns as I take off into the deep snow. It buries me up to my knees, and I cry out in frustration as the shots keep sounding from behind me. Gunner starts barking, and all I can think about is making it to my truck.
Maybe I can dig it out and hide.
But is that an obvious place?
I spot a barn in the opposite direction, and part of me thinks of trying to go that way, but I realize no matter what, Turner has the upper hand. He’s ex-special forces for fuck’s sake. At best, I can run a mile in ten minutes and go hunting a few times a year, which just consists of sitting in a deer stand. I’m no fucking match for him.
It’s a sobering thought—almost as sobering as dancing with him in the kitchen only an hour ago. I trudge forward, trying to remember where the hell the driveway is. The wind blows, and Ican’t tell if another round has gone off, or if it’s just in my head. As soon as I make it to the tree line, I stop and pull on my coat.
I peer back toward the house, expecting to see Turner on the front porch like the first afternoon. But he’s not there. My teeth chatter as I pull my hood up, my legs burning from my already soaked jeans. I squeeze my eyes shut, just long enough to gather my wits.
Everything is silent. Not a single natural noise fills the woods, and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. I tighten the strap around my face to hold the hood, and start deeper into the woods, the sound of Gunner’s bark jarring me.
Please don’t lead him to me.
Tears slide down my cheeks as I trek into the darkness. Another shot fires, and this time, it sounds as if it’s farther away. I breathe a little easier, but refrain from slowing my pace.When did Turner say it would start to snow again? Tomorrow?
My lips burn, the brutal winds reminding me of the kiss I was lost in—with a man who’s now trying to kill me. I shiver beneath my coat, my eyes feeling tired as I try to navigate the unknown. I’m not used to this kind of snow. I let my mind loose to distract me.
Fuck you, Adam. It’s your fault I’m here.
You should’ve just broken up with me when you decided it was going nowhere.
I bat the tears away. I have no right to be broken up about him. I mean, I wasjustkissing someone else—not even thinking about my newly ex-boyfriend. I could reason that I let Turner kiss me because it was a distraction from Adam, but the moment Turner started to open up, I haven’t been able to recall those feelings for Adam.
It was over a long time ago.
I purse my lips, annoyed by my inability to retain feelings once someone starts pulling away. It’s easier to break my ownheart, and that’s what I did with Adam. A year ago, he wouldn’t answer the commitment questions.
And so, I started letting him go right then and there.
The moment things go wrong, I mentally bolt, even if I stay there physically. I frown at that—and the sound of a familiar voice. My heart stops as I take in the small clearing and the headlights shining through the night.
Chapter 11
What the hellis going on?
With shaking hands, I hit the ground floor, my ears ringing as Gunner jumps at me, knocking some sense into my mind. Rage without known reason sears through my veins. I feel soangry.Why am I so angry? When did I come inside? I stop as I suck in a sharp breath, taking in the open front door—and the gun in my hand.Where’s the threat? Wasn’t I outside?
Where’s Emersyn?
“Oh no,” I mumble, my hands shaking as my mind briefly flashing to her standing in my older brother’s dusty room—the room I don’t go in. “No, no, no.” My eyes flicker back to the door.
Did Emersyn made a run for it?
Gunner bays so fucking loud that it pierces the rest of my insanity.