“If I don’t get that to them today, I’m toast. Do you understand?”
“I understand, son. I just can’t do anything about it right now. Everything will be back to normal tomorrow, and I’ll approve everything on my desk.”
“What about my access badge? Do you have one for me yet? I have to get on base at Miramar.”
“I just told you that I cannot access my computer right now. Everything is shut down,” she said, whispering into her phone. She was standing in the hallway with a cup of coffee, waiting for the next wave of stupid, boring training to appear. “Maybe you should rethink all of this, Chad.”
“I can’t rethink this. I’m neck deep in this, and if I don’t get them what they want, I’m going to die. Do you understand that, Mom?”
“Don’t be condescending with me. I understand perfectly well, and I’ve done everything in my power to help you. I’ll try to access the system before I go home.” She looked up to see her supervisor and two other people walking toward her. She gave a casual wave and smiled. “I’ve gotta go. My boss is walking toward me. I love you, son.”
“Love you, too, Mom.”
“Jenna, we’d like to speak with you,” said her boss, Mr. Coleridge.
“Sure. Is everything alright?” she asked.
“Jenna, you’re going to need a lawyer.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she repeated.
“Ms. DeWitt,” said Georgie.
“It’s Collins. I remarried. I’m Jenna Collins,” said the older woman. She looked tired and pale, and Georgie asked for one of the agents to get her some water. The other stayed in the room with her boss, her attorney, who was painfully quiet, and Katrina.
“Of course. Mrs. Collins, you have willingly helped your son obtain weapons from the DOD and falsified contracts with G.R.I.P. in order to obtain those weapons. That is equal to treason and carries a penalty of life in prison, possibly the death penalty.”
“I’m an old woman, Ms. Robicheaux. It really doesn’t matter what happens to me. Chad has had a rough life, and I’ve only tried to be a good mother.”
“No offense, Ms. Collins, but you’ve enabled your son to become a traitor against the United States government. He will be tried, convicted, and quite possibly given the death penalty. It would be seen as a good sign if you cooperate with us.”
“Cooperate? You mean sell my son out? No, Ms. Robicheaux. I won’t do that. I refuse, in fact. He’s trying to do what he believes is right. You may not agree with it, but he sees it as an opportunity to better himself, and I’m all for that.”
“Lady, I’ve met some blind parents before, but you might take the cake,” said Katrina. “Your son is going to die. Either by our hands or the hands of the enemies he’s selling to. Either way, he will be dead.”
She was quiet for a long moment, not saying anything to anyone in the room. Her attorney leaned over and whispered to her. Then she shook her head.
“I’m sorry,” said the attorney. “She refuses to cooperate.”
“Then I’m the one who is sorry,” said Georgie. “She’s the one who will pay for his mistakes, and I’m going to bet that he won’t even care.”
Georgie pushed back from the table, and Katrina followed her, the agents taking Ms. Collins into custody. As they entered the hallway, Hiro was standing there with the woman’s phone.
“I’m in,” he said.
“Good. Call the son and let him know that we have his mother. Tell him that she will be placed in a maximum-security prison cell with the lowest forms of criminals immediately. Unless. Unless he comes forward and tells us where he’s at. Let’s see if he has any feelings at all for dear old mom.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Georgie. You know how this rolls. They’re going to be loyal to one another, but not if it means their own freedom. He won’t turn himself in.”
“No, but we might be able to get a better idea of where he is in California and stop him. I’m going to bet that if you call him, he’ll think she has something for him. Keep him on the line for as long as you need.”
“What do you want me to say about his mother?” asked Hiro.
“Tell him she was in an automobile accident.”
“Mom! Are you in your computer?”