Until she saw him coming toward her, face etched with worry.
Her stomach dropped. The only reason why Duke would look upset right now was because he heard the news. Pippa would tell Rob. That was a given. Sophie’s brother never picked up the phone when Sophie called during the day, but she was sure he would for his wife. Sophie didn’t mind—or she wouldn’t have if he hadn’t said anything to Duke.
Unease and frustration spilled over her excitement, diffusing it until it fizzled into the dirt at her feet completely. She moved toward him. This would be okay. She would make sure it was okay.
“Duke, I?—”
“Gus is missing.”
Her apology for not telling him about her job offer died in her throat. The desperation in his eyes said it all. “Oh no. What happened?”
He shrugged and glanced over his shoulder at the building most of the wranglers were housed. “He was inside this morning when I went out for the day. But he wasn’t there when I got back.”
“He stays in most of the time. How would he get out?” she asked already moving toward the building. “Most cats know their way around a ranch?—”
Duke’s hand caught hers. “He’s wandered before, but he’s always been back by the time dinner rolls around. He never misses a meal.”
Sophie’s heart lurched. She didn’t know what she would do if Daisy had ever gotten out or went missing. Daisy was her whole world—or she had been until Sophie had opened her heart to Duke. She swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. “Where have you looked?” She’d never seen him this upset. It looked like his heart had been ripped from his chest and thrown on the ground.
“Just around here.”
“You don’t think he would have wandered into the bushes and fallen asleep, do you? Maybe he went out hunting for mice in the fields.”
“I hope not,” Duke muttered, raking a hand through his hair. When she gave him a startled look, he explained. “There have been some coyote sightings. Gus might have an attitude, but he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he came up against a wild coyote.”
She squeezed his hand. “Let’s get some horses saddled and head out on the trails. Bring some of his favorite food and we’ll call out for him. I’m sure he couldn’t have gone far.”
He nodded and they made a beeline for the barn, her news dragging on her. Duke was devastated. He didn’t have the mental capacity to hear her out and help her make a decision.He’d lost a member of his family and all he needed from Sophie was some support.
Besides, there was plenty of time to tell him—sort of. She could tell him after they tracked down Gus and they were reunited. Sophie caught Duke’s eye and offered a reassuring smile. “Cats are resilient.”
“Gus is an old man,” Duke murmured, not an ounce of hope in his voice.
“Even old men can fend for themselves. We’ll find him. I promise.”
Duke draggeda hand down his face as he sat in the same booth he’d been in when he first met Sophie. She was currently in the bathroom, leaving him alone with his dismal thoughts. Just a week ago, he’d been on cloud nine. While he’d still felt guilty about not being with his family, he’d found happiness in the relationship he had with Sophie.
She had been a boon to those guilt-ridden thoughts. She’d brought him back to a place where he thought anything was possible. He’d even started considering taking a year off from working for the Duncans so he could help out his family with a few things they struggled with.
Then that incident at the festival happened and suddenly everything started crumbling.
At least that was how it felt.
He settled back in his seat and heaved a sigh. Gus going missing had made his life feel a bit out of control. He hadn’t been in to the shelter to volunteer since that afternoon—mostly because he was spending his spare time looking for the best cat in the world.
Maybe it was time to face facts. Gus was probably gone.
Sophie had insisted that he needed to get his mind off of his missing cat and regroup. Initially, he’d been irritated with such a suggestion, but the exhaustion of looking for his pet in all the same places was starting to wear on him.
Duke glanced toward the bathroom. It wasn’t only the scene at the festival and his missing cat. He could tell Sophie was working through something. She was probably trying to figure out a way to tell him she wanted to see other people—but with Gus missing, she didn’t want to give him bad news right now. He wasn’t really sure what was on her mind, but something was off.
That thought had come to him last night. He’d been alone in his bed, trying to come up with some ideas on how to find his cat when suddenly he was hit over the head with the thought that Sophie was done with him.
The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. What woman wanted to be with a guy who couldn’t let go of his aging pet? He’d grown up on a farm, he knew that there was a circle of life that had to be accepted. Heck, that understanding had followed him to the ranch where he worked now.
So why couldn’t he just let go of that darn cat?