“Gregor and I will take care of it. We’ll be back shortly.” Tessa grabbed her mate’s hand and pulled him toward their SUV.
Sebastian looked toward the woods and opened his senses. Not for Dakota. He could feel both relief and anger in his mate. He felt irritation and confusion as well as sorrow and hope. Since Anthony was with the females, he chalked the first two emotions up to his cousin. Instead of barging into the woods, Bas reached out to Dakota.
“Tessa and Gregor are going to grab some clothes for Jolee. Is it okay if I approach?”
“Yes, and maybe send Anthony back to the car? He’s stomping around like an ape.”
Sebastian grinned. If he didn’t know better, he’d think Anthony had feelings for Jolee. Then again, he probably did after spending the night with her. Too bad they weren’t mates.
“I’ll be right back,” Bas told his papa and took off jogging. When he neared the sound of Dakota’s voice, he slowed his steps. “Tony,” Bas whispered. All three heads turned. “Can you go wait on your parents? They’ve gone to find Jolee some clothes.” Anthony narrowed his eyes, and Bas nodded his head to the clearing, wordlessly telling his cousin to get lost.
“Fine.” Anthony took a step toward Jolee, but Dakota’s glare stopped him from getting closer. With a huff, he took off.
“Sorry about him. He can be a little zealous with his protectiveness.” Jolee’s Wolf was on its stomach with its head resting on Dakota’s outstretched legs. Bas sat on the ground, mimicking his mate. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to you sooner. If I had known—” Jolee raised her head, whining. Not wanting to remind the female of her trauma, Bas changed the subject. “I wish you could have seen Dakota. Gods, she was fierce. She proved what I already knew – she was the true Alpha of the pack. Anyway, we haven’t discussed where we’re going next, but I think heading to Atlanta to relax for a bit might be best. What do you think,Cucciolina? My house is plenty big enough for all of us.”
“What about your new office?”
“Even if the space was move-in ready, I won’t utilize it until the remodel of the lodge is underway, and we are living on-site. Jolee, Dakota already mentioned you helping us with the lodge, and I hope you’ll take us up on the offer. I want the three of us to sit down and go over the vision I have, and while I’m getting my office squared away, the two of you can oversee the renovations. If that doesn’t interest you, we’ll find something else that does.”
Jolee raised her head again and yipped. Sebastian didn’t speak wolf, but Dakota’s hand paused in her friend’s fur. “Oh, my goddess.” Jolee turned her furry face toward Dakota’s, angling it like a dog trying to figure something out. Dakota laughed, and Jolee yipped louder. “Somehow, I can hear her in my head.”
“She’s part of your pack, and I would hope part of our Clan.”
Dakota stroked Jolee’s fur. “What do you say? Want to be part of our Clan?”
Jolee rolled to her back, giving Dakota her belly. “She said yes.”
With Dakota translating, Jolee assured Sebastian her injuries were mostly healed. He wanted to see for himself that it was true, but he had to trust Jolee to tell the truth. When Tessa returned with clothes, Bas gave the females privacy and strode back to where the others were waiting. He didn’t relay their conversation since everyone had been able to listen in if they wanted. Instead, Bas went to Anthony and asked about the condition Jolee was in when Tony found her. As Anthony described what he’d found, Sebastian wished he’d been the one to rip out Sloane’s heart.
When the females walked out of the woods, Sebastian met them halfway. Jolee, now dressed like Tessa in jeans, a tee, and leather boots, smiled at Sebastian. Holding out her arms, she said, “See? Good as new except for one thing. I’m freaking starving.” Anthony growled, and Jolee walked straight to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Thank you for getting me out of there.”
“You’re welcome. Let’s get you some food. I know how you females get when you’re hangry.”
Jolee stepped back and play punched him in the stomach before asking, “Can we get pizza?”
Anthony slung his arm over her shoulder, angling her toward one of the SUV’s. “As long as there’s no—”
“Pineapple. Yes, we’re all aware of your aversion,” Jolee sassed.
“What is happening right now?” Tessa whispered.
Dakota grabbed Sebastian’s hand. “You probably don’t want to know.”
“Sure I do. Are they—?”
“Let it go, Red.” Gregor picked his mate up and carried her to the car, kissing her the whole way. Bas would say it was to shut his mate up, but Gregor and Tessa wrote the book on PDA.
Once in the car, Bas asked Frey to call the others and tell them what was going on. He expected some of them to head on back to the hotel, but when they arrived at the Italian restaurant, their smallish group turned into a large one with everyone in attendance except for Lydia, Nikolas, and Locke. They were on their way to Sophia, and their family was planning on flying home early.
Throughout lunch, Bas kept his eye on Jolee, as did several Goyles. The female was too bubbly. Too happy. Too quick to laugh at Anthony’s stupid jokes. Dakota leaned against Sebastian’s shoulder as she reached across him for the red pepper.
“I’m worried about her too, but right now, in front of everyone, she needs to put on a brave face. When we get to the hotel, she can break down in private.”
Bas kissed the top of his mate’s head. She knew Jolee better than anyone. He also felt his mate’s sorrow. He wanted to get her alone and take care of her.
Sophia left their room keys with Kaya, so when Sebastian and the others arrived at the hotel, Kaya passed one of the keys to Bas, but not before grabbing his shoulders and checking him over. She then wrapped her arms around Dakota, kissing her hair and telling her how proud she was. Dakota let Kaya comfort her as long as her mother-in-law wanted.
“Jolee, this is my mother-in-law, Kaya,” Dakota said once Kaya turned loose.