Sebastian stalked to the bed, placing her in the middle. When he didn’t immediately follow, Dakota rose on her elbows. He bent over, pulling his wallet from the pocket. “If you’re looking for a condom, don’t bother. I had a shot earlier this year, and it’s good for a few more months.”
“Oh, thank the gods.” Bas dropped his wallet somewhere close to his jeans. His erection bounced as Sebastian turned toward her. Dakota couldn’t wait to getthatbeast inside her while his beast claimed her.
Chapter 16
Sebastian stared atthe wonder spread out before him. His Goyle was too close to the surface, and it was all Bas could do to keep it contained. He bent down and kissed the inside of Dakota’s calf, inhaling her scent. His mate spread her legs wider, reaching out for him.
“I appreciate you being sweet, but if you don’t fuck me soon, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”
Bas grinned at his mate until he caught her eyes flashing amber and her fangs on display. It seemed his wasn’t the only beast ready to break free. Bas climbed on the bed, settling between Dakota’s legs. He pushed one of her knees toward her chest and placed her other ankle on his shoulder. He licked his lips as he eyed her slickness. His mate was ready for him. “This is going to be quick because I can’t wait to claim you. I promise I’ll make love to you soon, but my beast is fighting me.”
Dakota’s eyes flashed amber once more. “Don’t fight it. I’m ready”
Sebastian gripped his cock and rubbed it against her slick opening a few times before pressing against her entrance. Dakota hooked her foot around his thigh and tugged. He took the hint and entered her channel in one quick thrust. Bas took a breath, praying to the gods he didn’t come too quickly, but fuck, she felt good. No, it was better than good. Being inside his mate was everything he’d dreamed it would be.
Dakota grabbed onto his biceps and squeezed. Bas got the message. He pulled out to the tip, then slammed home again. Dakota’s eyes switched from amber to brown several times. She dropped her leg from his shoulder and placed both feet on the bed, meeting him thrust for thrust. She released one arm and brought her hand to her breast, tweaking her nipple. Fuck, that was hot. Sebastian’s fangs dropped and his wings unfurled behind him. Dakota gasped. She turned loose of his arm and stretched her fingertips to one wing, running her fingers along the rigid edge. That was all it took. Sebastian’s orgasm was like fire racing through his body. He reached under her back and pulled his mate to his chest, then sank his fangs in the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Dakota hissed, and her core clamped down on his pulsing cock. She moaned and writhed against him as she found her own release.
Before he could retract his sharp teeth from her neck, Dakota returned the gesture, sinking her fangs into his skin. His dick hardened instantly as euphoria flooded his system. Dakota licked his neck, then rode his cock. He kept hold of her waist as she lifted and lowered herself with abandon. Dakota threaded her fingers through his hair and smashed their mouths together. The kiss was rough. There was no finesse, only need. As their lower bodies were joined, so were their lips. Breathing in as she breathed out, Sebastian took her essence into his lungs, and two souls became one.
Bas lowered Dakota to the bed and slowed their movements. Braced on his forearms, he stared into Dakota’s brown eyes as he made love to her. His mate. His Queen. “Mia Regina,”he whispered.
“My King,” she whispered back. His beast howled with pleasure in his head, but Bas didn’t mind. This moment was the single most important in their long lives. Bas changed the angle of his dick entering her core so he could rub against her clit. Dakota scratched her blunt nails down his chest, teasing his nipples. It surprised him when the sensation had his dick pulsing. Dakota found her release first this time, but Bas soon followed when her heat clenched his erection. With both their chests heaving from exertion, Sebastian lowered his mouth to hers and took her lips in a soft kiss.
They spent the rest of the night making love, talking, kissing, trying all the different kinds of jerky, and fucking. Bas never thought he would use that term when having sex with his mate, but there was no other way to describe how Dakota rode him as he lay on his back. Sebastian had the forethought to set an alarm on his phone so they wouldn’t sleep too late and miss their appointment with the realtor.
When the alarm woke him, Dakota was lying on her stomach, her long hair shielding her face. Bas pushed the strands aside so he could once again stare at the wonder beside him. Now he knew how his papa felt. Rafael had tried to explain how claiming one’s mate changed a male. He didn’t grasp the intensity until he experienced it for himself.I’m the luckiest male in the world.
“I’m the lucky one. ‘Time is it?”Dakota rolled to her side, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.“Ew, sorry.”
Sebastian didn’t mind a little drool, not after all the bodily fluids they swapped during the night. Wait… Dakota wasn’t speaking aloud. “It’s seven-thirty. I wanted to have plenty of time to shower and grab breakfast.”When Dakota turned her head his way, her eyes were smiling.“Good morning.”
“It sure is, but if Anthony makes fun of me for walking funny, please smack him. I don’t have the energy.”
Bas laughed, nuzzling their noses.“Deal.”He pressed soft kisses to her cheek and chin, not wanting to inflict his morning breath on her.
Dakota angled her head giving him better access to her neck.“Why are we talking in our minds?”
“Because it’s cool? I didn’t know if we’d be able to. Not all mates can.”
“But you’re my Alpha.”
“No, I’m your mate. I’m King, but I can’t speak soundlessly to anyone else.”Bas tapped Dakota on the nose. “Shower with me?”
“Not yet.” Dakota pushed back the covers and turned so she was facing his feet.
“What—?” Dakota sucked his morning wood into her mouth, and Bas let out a groan. He curled one arm behind his head and closed his eyes. He smoothed his free hand up her thigh, then palming her ass as she bobbed up and down. “Gods, you’re good at that.” He didn’t want to think about how she’d come to be experienced at blow jobs, so he didn’t. Bas toyed with her backside, lowering his hand until his fingers met her slick passage. He bypassed it for her clit, thumbing it as she brought him closer to orgasm. Wanting her on his mouth, Bas rearranged his mate so she straddled his face. He ate her out, licked her clit, and kneaded her ass cheeks. He had never sixty-nined before, but it was now his third favorite position, only surpassing missionary by a margin. Dakota riding him was top of the list. Watching his mate catch her pleasure was thrilling.
Bas wanted Dakota to come first, so he doubled his efforts while using his Gargoyle’s willpower to keep his own orgasm at bay a little longer. It worked, but barely. Dakota moaned around his dick and writhed against his mouth when she found her release. The humming vibrated, ramping up his own need to come. He tapped his mate on the thigh. “I’m close, Love. If you don’t want to swallow, pull off.” It was Dakota’s turn to double-down, and soon, he was shooting his load down her throat. His mate didn’t stop until she’d wrung every drop from him. Then she flopped over on her back, her head at his feet.
Dakota reached out and ghosted her fingertips across his hip. “Now we can shower.”
It was eight forty-five by the time they made it downstairs. While Dakota was braiding her hair, Bas sent Anthony a text warning him to keep his mouth shut. There were some things he didn’t mind his cousin joking about, but Bas claiming Dakota wasn’t one of them. What Bas and his mate had was sacred. Lydia and Anthony were seated by the window, both had empty plates in front of them. Anthony lifted his coffee cup in salute but otherwise remained quiet. Bas and Dakota helped themselves to the buffet. Lydia had coffee poured for them from a small pot on the table. Bas guessed the big urns hotels put out on the sideboard didn’t make sense considering the four of them were the only customers in the dining room.
“Nice shirts,” Anthony teased as they took their seats.
Dakota tipped her cowboy hat. When she dug it out of her duffel earlier, she fussed about it being squished, but as far as Bas could tell, it looked fine. “Thank you. It was a great idea you had.” She had suggested wearing their matching flannel to tease Anthony, and Bas readily agreed. Dakota was sexy in hers with it tied at the waist. Sebastian paid attention to how she fixed her coffee. Instead of using the creamer on the table, she poured some of her milk in it. Bas took his with sugar only, and she watched him add two teaspoons of sweetener before taking a sip.
“So, Kody… May I call you Kody?” Anthony asked.